Imperial (?) slave
of Successus
- Successus was a syndexios of the Mitreo de Cabrera de Mar.
- Active mid-2nd century in Iluro, Tarraconensis (Hispania).
The cognomen Succesus is known in Tarraco and is documented in the Caesaris family from the time of Vespasian. Elaine has no parallel in Hispania; in its masculine form it is linked to the imperial service. There is no doubt that these are two imperial slaves. The name of the owner is very widespread before the middle of the 2nd century.
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar in EDCS
- Hispania Epigraphica. Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Marin HE
- Mitra en Hispania. Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Mitreo de Cabrera de Mar in MEH
Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar
TNMM 472
Two slaves sign this small monument to Cautes.
K(auti) v(otum) s(olverunt) / Successus / Elaine / Caesaris
For Cautes. Successus and Elaine, Caesar's slaves, fulfilled their promise.
Mitreo de Cabrera de Mar
The Roman villa of Can Molodell had a sanctuary that has been related to the cult of Mithras.