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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 11 results.

  • Liber

    El culto de Mitra en Hispania (2018)

    Jaime Alvar hace en este libro un estudio exhaustivo de las condiciones en las que se produce la introducción de Mitra en Hispania, a finales del siglo I d. C., en un momento sorprendentemente prematuro en relación con otras regiones del occidente latin…
  • Notitia

    Mithras in Hispania

    On the occasion of the discovery of a Mithraeum in Cabra, Spain, we talk to Jaime Alvar, a leading figure in the field of Mithraism. With him, we examine the testimonies known to date and the peculiarities of the cult of Mithras in Hispania.
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de Cabra

    The Mithraeum of Cabra is located in the Villa del Mitra, which owes its name to the discovery in 1951 of a Mithras tauroctonus in the remains of the Roman villa.


  • Monumentum

    Slab of Quintus Claudius from Santiponce

    Recent interpretations link this marble inscription to the cult of the goddess Nemesis.

    TNMM733 – CIMRM 768

    Q(uintus) C(laudius) C.... / D(eo) i(nvicto) S(oli).
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Malaga

    This lost monument from Malaga, Spain, to Dominus Invictus has been linked to the cult of Mithras, although there is not enough evidence.

    TNMM732 – CIMRM 767

    L(ucius) Servilius Supera/tus Domino Invicto / donum libens ani/mo posuit / ara(m) merenti.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Santiponce

    This unfinished Mithras tauroctonos without the usual surrounding animals was found in 1923 in Italica, near Seville, Spain.

    TNMM659 – CIMRM 769

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de la Tumba del Elefante

    Set in a Roman necropolis, the so-called Mithraeum of the Elephant takes its name from an elephant statue found in one of the tombs.


  • Mithraeum

    Villa romana de Fuente Álamo

    One of the rooms of the villa has been interpreted as a mithraeum, but we do not have enough evidence to confirm this.


  • Monumentum

    Mitra de Cabra

    The Mithras of Cabra is the only full preserved Tauroctony sculpture found in Spain yet.

    TNMM136 – CIMRM 771

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonia de Córdoba

    Fragmentary marble statue of Mithras Tauroctonos from Córdoba.


  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 770

    White marble relief (H. 0.23 Br. 0.15 D. 0.10).

    TNMM1236 – CIMRM 770

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