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The New Mithraeum Database

Mithraic monuments, temples, places, books, videos and people related to Mithras of Spain.

Your search gave 53 results.

  • Monumentum

    Isis de Mérida

    The Isis of Merida is covered by a long dress that reaches down to her feet.


  • Monumentum

    Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida

    The sculpture of the solar god is signed by its author, Demetrios.

    TNMM242 – CIMRM 773, 774

    Invicto sacrum C. Curius Avitus / Acci(o) Hedychro pa(tre). Δημήτριος ἐποίει
  • Monumentum

    Oceaunus of Mérida

    The sculpture of Oceanus in Merida bears an inscription by the Pater Patrorum Gaius Accius Hedychrus.

    TNMM428 – CIMRM 778, 779

    G(aius) Acc(ius) Hedychrus / p(ater) patrum
  • Monumentum

    Venus of Mérida small sculpture

    The lack of attributes and its decontextualisation prevent us from attributing a specific Mithraic attribution to this small Venus pudica from Mérida.

    TNMM429 – CIMRM 785

  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mérida

    The Aion-Chronos of Mérida was found near the bullring of the current city, once capital of the Roman province Hispania Ulterior.

    TNMM181 – CIMRM 777

  • Monumentum

    Aesculapius of Merida

    This standing sculptural figure from Mérida appears to carry the serpent staff, characteristic of the medicine god Aesculapius.

    TNMM425 – CIMRM 786

  • Monumentum

    Venus pudica of Mérida

    The Venus pudica of Merida stands next to the young Amor riding a dolplhin.

    TNMM423 – CIMRM 784

  • Monumentum

    Cautes of Mérida

    This nude male figure, found at Cerro de San Albín, Mérida, has been identified as Cautes.


  • Monumentum

    Mithras's feast from Mérida

    This mithraic communion from Mérida shows three persons at table with other people standing besides, one of them with a bull's head on a plate.

    TNMM300 – CIMRM 782

  • Monumentum

    Naked figure from Mérida

    This sculpture may be a naked dadophorus, probably Cautopates.

    TNMM243 – CIMRM 775

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de la calle Espronceda

    The Mithraeum at Espronceda Street, in Merida, was discovered in 2000. It is a semi-subterranean temple.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de Tróia

    García y Bellido proposed the existence of a mithraeum in a narrow, elongated room where the Troia mithraic relief was found.
