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The New Mithraeum Database of Germany

Mithraic monuments, temples and other objects related to Mithras from Germany.

Your search germany gave 21 results.

  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief of Dieburg

    The relief of Dieburg shows Mithras riding a horse as main figure, surrounded by several scenes of the myth.

    TNMM231 – CIMRM 1247

    [Side A:] D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Silves/trius / Silvi/nius et Silvestrius Pe[rpetus et A]urelius nepos / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) l(aeti) m(erito). / Perpetus fra/te[r] artis sutor(iae). …
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Osterburken

    Franz Cumont considers the bas relief of Osterburken 'the most remarkable of all the monuments of the cult of Mithras found up to now'.

    TNMM176 – CIMRM 1292, 1293

    D[eo] S[oli] I[nvicto] M[ithrae] M[er?]catorius Castrensis in suo cons[ituit].
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Groß-Gerau

    In the Mithraeum of Gross Gerau, discovered in 1989, a statue of Mercury, a lion and an altar were found.


  • Mithraeum

    Mithraea of Heddernheim

    Since 1826, four mithraea have been found at Nida-Heddernheim.


  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief from Rückingen

    This remarkable double-sided relief depicts the myth of Mithras and the Tauroctony on one side, and a scene of Mithras the hunter and the banquet of Mithras and the Sol on the other.

    TNMM552 – CIMRM 1137

  • Monumentum

    Mithras head of Sindelfingen


  • Socius

    Sebastian Buck

    researcher on Mithraism for over 20 years, author of the book "Mithras. Geschichte einer Gottheit"
  • Socius

    Frederick Stoddon

    1991-2005 Grabungstechniker - Archaeological Site Supervisor LVR - APX Xanten / LAND GmbH
  • Socius

    Martina Meyr

    Provincial-Roman Archeologist
  • Socius

    Horia VIN