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Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.

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May 2023

For those who don't already know, check out our friend @pattie.lawler's group on Facebook. There is lots of interesting information and it is always up to date with the latest discoveries and events. Roman Cult of Mithras: His Mysteries, Mithraea and Worship.

May 2023

La Légende de Mithra

This short animation traces one of the interpretations of the Mithras legend based on archaeological research.

May 2023

glad you enjoyed. it's just a draft by now. Cheers.

May 2023

The Father of Mithras

It is well known that Mithras was born from a rock. However, less has been written about the father of the solar god, and especially about how he conceived him.

May 2023

Le culte romain de Mithra par Richard Veymiers

Le culte romain de Mithra. Entre réalités antiques et fantasmes contemporains ! Par Richard Veymiers, directeur du Domaine et Musée royal de Mariemont.

May 2023

great article, you should put it on the main page, Jorge! thanks.

May 2023

i am interested about the article Abraxas.

May 2023

Danuvius stele a C. Szabo mihi extraordinarius videtur. Accurate pictum videre vellem. Ubi est Sol, numquid puer ex ore tauri egreditur? Videmusne religionem inter Mithrae et Christianitatem? Multae post scriptum quaestiones : nomen meum est dominicus, princeps minimus, hoc est caput familiae.

May 2023


May 2023

I’m an author, finding what windows into the past he can gaze through.

Apr 2023

here is the altar of Sarrebourg , picture tooken in 1890.

some pictures from 1895:
Apr 2023

I see the Platonic Chiasmus on this fresco from Pompei. I think Mithras and Sol Apollo have nothing to see with earth, which is the work of Atlas. They carry the Platonic Universe. The Soul of the World (big) or the individual soul (small). ??

Apr 2023

A new mithraeum discovered during excavation in Trier

A place of worship for the Roman god of light Mithras was discovered during archaeological excavations in Trier. This includes a larger relief.

Apr 2023

I think we were talking about two types of globes: you were mentioning the small spheres carried by certain figures, including Mithras himself, while I was thinking of these large globes that might represent the universe, often surrounded by two perpendicular circles. In any case, large or small, they are all labelled with the word globus. Let me know if you find any monuments that are not marked, so I can add them.

Apr 2023

What fascinates me is the bull's mouth next to the flame of Cautes. Many bulls with their heads raised are in front of Cautès, just with the flame in front of their mouth. It is the soul that comes out and goes up to heaven with Cautès.

Apr 2023

I did not express myself well. I think that this golbe or ball is the soul but also of Plato's Anima Mundi. It is not the horoscope but the universal soul, which is also found in every follower of Mithras.

Apr 2023

Dear Jorge, on two slabs from the Baths of Diocletian, the one from Santo Stefano Rotondo and the one from Tor Cervara , I fond the sun carried a spherical thing in his left hand, like a ball. Those two were exactly in the axis of the sun. it is possible that Cautes and Cautopates were soul carriers, so the soul could either ascend or descend. So the ascended soul joined the sun. It is no coincidence that the sphere is here near Cautes with sun (or Pater) crown: a crowned soul ?

Apr 2023

hello @dominique.persoons This sphere with a single circle is quite unusual in Mithraic iconography, at least as far as I know. I've seen it surrounded by two circles, which some authors associate with the precession of the equinoxes and the intersection of the celestial equator with the zodiac. In this case, the resurrection of the soul could be an explanation, could you develop it?

Apr 2023

hello, what does symbolize this huge spher with a crown over? I believe resurrection of the soul . In the relief dated around 250 AD from the Tor Cervara in Rome, (bomb site excavated in 1964) Sun god carries a globe or ball in his left hand. Idem Santo Stefano Rotondo slab. A sacred ball or spher. ?? D.P.

hello @dominique.persoons This sphere with a single circle is quite unusual in Mithraic iconography, at least as far as I know. I've seen it surrounded by two circles, which some authors associate with the precession of the equinoxes and the intersection of the celestial equator with the zodiac. In this case, the resurrection of the soul could be an explanation, could you develop it?
Dear Jorge, on two slabs from the Baths of Diocletian, the one from Santo Stefano Rotondo and the one from Tor Cervara , I fond the sun carried a spherical thing in his left hand, like a ball. Those two were exactly in the axis of the sun. it is possible that Cautes and Cautopates were soul carriers, so the soul could either ascend or descend. So the ascended soul joined the sun. It is no coincidence that the sphere is here near Cautes with sun (or Pater) crown: a crowned soul ?
I did not express myself well. I think that this golbe or ball is the soul but also of Plato's Anima Mundi. It is not the horoscope but the universal soul, which is also found in every follower of Mithras
I think we were talking about two types of globes: you were mentioning the small spheres carried by certain figures, including Mithras himself, while I was thinking of these large globes that might represent the universe, often surrounded by two perpendicular circles. In any case, large or small, they are all labelled with the word globus: Let me know if you find any monuments that are not marked, so I can add them.
I see the Platonic Chiasmus on this fresco from Pompei. I think Mithras and Sol Apollo have nothing to see with earth, which is the work of Atlas. They carry the Platonic Universe. The Soul of the World (big) or the individual soul (small). ??
Apr 2023

that's where I live.... Sarrebourg.

here is the altar of Sarrebourg , picture tooken in 1890.
Thank you for sharing @dominique.persoons It would be great if we can get it in a better definition.