Brothers active in Londinium
Mithraic monuments of Londinium
Mithraeum of London
The London Mithraeum also known as Walbrook Mithraeum has been contextualized and relocated in its original emplacement in 2016.
Tauroctonia de Walbrook
The image of Mithras killing the bull, found near Walbrook, is surrounded by a Zoadiac circle.
Mithras head of Walbrook
The Mithras's head of Walbrook probable belonged to a life-size scene of the god scarifying the bull.
Dionysus group marble of London
Marble group of Dionysus accompanied by a Silenus on a donkey, a satyr and a menead.
Inscriptions of Londinium
Ulpius Silvanus / factis Arausione / emeritus leg(ionis) II aug(ustae) / votum solvit.
Ulpius Silvanus, veteran of the Legio II Augusta, recruited in Arausio, has fulfilled his vow.
Hominibus bagis bitam.
Thou givest lift to men.
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Dionysus group marble of London in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Tauroctonia de Walbrook in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Tauroctonia de Walbrook in EDCS
- Museum of London (2021) Bacchus
- Museum of London. Roman marble head of Minerva
- Roman Inscriptions of Britain. Dionysus group marble of London in RIB
- Roman Inscriptions of Britain (2022) RIB 3. Dedication to Mithras
- CARVED RELIEF Mithras – Museum of London