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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 94 results.

  • Syndexios

    Marcus Licinius Ripanus

    Prefect, probably of Cohors II Tungrorum, who dedicated an altar to the invincible sun god Mithras in Camboglanna, Britannia.
  • Syndexios


    Solder of the Legio II Augusta who dedicated a monument to Mithras Invictus in Isca.
  • Syndexios

    Marcus Simplicius Simplex

    Equus and Prefect.
  • Notitia

    The gay origins of the Hindi world for friend

    The Sanskrit and Hindi word for friend is “Mitra”. It is also the Nepali word for it. The Sinhala word is ‘mitura’. The word’s etymology has surprising, stark and vivid homosexual connotations.
  • Monumentum

    Tabula ansata of Lucius from Bremenium

    This inscription commemorates the building of a mithraeum in Bremenium with fellow worshippers of Mithras.

    TNMM566 – CIMRM 876

    Deo invicto [[et]] Soli soc(io) / sacrum. Pro salute et / incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) / M(arci) Aureli Antonini pii felic(is) / aug(usti) L(ucius) Caecilius Optatus / trib(unus) coh(ortis) I…
  • Mithraeum

    London Mithraeum

    The Mithraeum of London, also known as the Walbrook Mithraeum, was contextualised and relocated to its original site in 2016.

    TNMM25 – CIMRM 814

  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-born from Housesteads

    A naked Mithra emerges from the cosmic egg surrounded by the zodiac, as always carrying a torch and a dagger.

    TNMM200 – CIMRM 860

  • Monumentum

    Candelabrum of Caernarfon

    The Caernarfon candelabrum is a reconstruction of several iron pieces found in the Mithraeum of Caernarfon.


  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Burham

    To date, there is no evidence that the so-called Mithraeum of Burham was ever used to worship the sun god.

    TNMM592 – CIMRM 808

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 826

    Marble fragment with an inscription (ILN 1954,636).

    TNMM1259 – CIMRM 826

    u . . . . / [Bri]tanniae/. . . . [vic]toriam/. . . . am.
  • Monumentum

    Inscripton of Justus from Caerleon

    This oolite base, dedicated to the invincible Mithras, was found in the baths of the Villa de Caerleon, Walles.

    TNMM741 – CIMRM 809

    [Deo in]victo / [Mi]thrae / ...s Iustus / c[(enturio) leg]ionis II aug(ustae) / [l(ibens)] m(erito) f(ecit).
  • Locus


    Isca, variously specified as Isca Augusta or Isca Silurum, was the site of a Roman legionary fortress and settlement or vicus, the remains of which lie beneath parts of the present-day suburban town of Caerleon, Walles.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Castlesteads

    Horsley thought that, like some other inscriptions in the Naworth Collection, this altar also had come from Birdoswald.

    TNMM720 – CIMRM 872

    De(o) Soli / (Invi)cto / M(ith)r(a)e M(ar)/cus Liciniu(s) / Ripanus praef(ectus) v(otum) s(olvit).
  • Locus


    Camboglanna was a Roman fort.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony medallion of Transylvania

    This medallion belongs to a specific category of rounded pieces found in other provinces of the Roman world.

    TNMM430 – CIMRM 2187

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Inveresk with a griffin

    This second altar discovered to date near Inveresk includes several elements unusual in Mithraic worship.


    Daeo (sic) / invic(to) My(thrae) / C. Cas(sius ?) / Fla(vianus ?).
  • Locus


    Bremenium is an ancient Roman fort located at Rochester, Northumberland, England.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Caecilius Optatus

    Tribune of the first cohort of Vardulli, he erected a mithraeum with his fellows in Brementium.
  • Monumentum

    Denarius depicting Mithras rock-birth of St. Albans

    The mithraic denarius of St. Albans dates from the 2nd century.

    TNMM314 – CIMRM 827

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Colchester

    One of the rooms in a sustantive masonry building in Hollytrees Meadow was considered to be a Mithreum, a theory that has now been discarded.

    TNMM73 – CIMRM 829

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