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The New Mithraeum Database in United Kingdom

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras. found or located in United Kingdom.

Your selection United Kingdom gave 123 results.

  • Monumentum

    Tabula ansata of Lucius from Bremenium

    This inscription commemorates the building of a mithraeum in Bremenium with fellow worshippers of Mithras.

    TNMM566 – CIMRM 876

    Deo invicto [[et]] Soli soc(io) / sacrum. Pro salute et / incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) / M(arci) Aureli Antonini pii felic(is) / aug(usti) L(ucius) Caecilius Optatus / trib(unus) coh(ortis) I…
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 595

    Bronze statuette of Mithras in his characteristic bull-slaying pose, though only the god has been preserved.

    TNMM1111 – CIMRM 595

  • Monumentum

    Busto de Livia



  • Mithraeum

    London Mithraeum

    The Mithraeum of London, also known as the Walbrook Mithraeum, was contextualised and relocated to its original site in 2016.

    TNMM25 – CIMRM 814

  • Monumentum

    Fragments of a column base from Hamadan

    The base of the column bears an inscription that records the rebuilding of a palace at Ectabana ’by the favour of Ahuramaza, Anahita and Mithra’.

    TNMM127 – CIMRM 7

  • Monumentum

    Tablet of Antiochus I from Samsat

    "The remaining figure on this monument, Herakles, was previously misidentified as Apollo on this remarkable black basalt tablet from Samsat, known in Roman times as Samosata.

    TNMM801 – CIMRM 33

    Ἐγὼ πατρώϊαν βασιλείαν παραλαβὼν παρὰ Διὸς τε Ῥωμαίου καὶ Ἀπόλλωνος Μίθρου Ἡλίου Ἑρ- μοῦ καὶ Ἀρτέμιδ…
  • Socius

    Sean Sean

  • Socius

    June Stacey

    Open University student
  • Socius

    Louisa McDaid

  • Socius

    Martin Owen

    I am a member of the Longthorpe Legion, a Living History group linked to our local museum that portrays the Romans in Britain, including a Temple to Mithras.
  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-born from Housesteads

    A naked Mithra emerges from the cosmic egg surrounded by the zodiac, as always carrying a torch and a dagger.

    TNMM200 – CIMRM 860

  • Socius

    Mark Zwizlo

  • Socius

    Beth Noray

    Really interested in ancient religions, now retired I can give some time to this.
  • Monumentum

    Candelabrum of Caernarfon

    The Caernarfon candelabrum is a reconstruction of several iron pieces found in the Mithraeum of Caernarfon.


  • Socius

    Marc Rattue

    Merchant Navy Captain BA Hons (English)
  • Monumentum

    Votive plaque from Ballıhisar

    This votive silver plaque depicting Mithras was found at the site of Pessinus, Ballıhisar, in Turkey.


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