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Mediolanum, the ancient city where Milan now stands, was originally an Insubrian city, but afterwards became an important Roman city in northern Italy.

Mithraic monuments of Mediolanum


Slab of the astrologer Maximus of Milan

Marcus Valerius Maximus records in this inscription his knowledge of astrology as well as the name of his wife.



Stele of Acilius Pisonianus from Milan

This high stele by a certain Acilius Pisonianus bears an inscription commemorating the restoration of a Mithraeum in Mediolanum, today's Milan.


Inscriptions of Mediolanum

M(arcus) Valeri[us] / Maximu[s] / sacerdo[s] / d(ei) S(olis) i(nvicti) M(ithrae) / stu[di(osus)] / astrologia[e] / sibi et / Severiae Apr[.] / uxori. / H(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredes) n(on) [s(equetur)].
Marcus Valerius Maximus, priest of the invincible sun god Mithras, scholar of astrology, for himself and his wife Severia Apr[---]. This monument is not part of the heritage.

Slab of the astrologer Maximus of Milan

D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / P(ublius) Acil(ius) Piso/nianus pater / patratus qui / hoc speleum / vi{i} ignis ab/sumtum com/parata area a re-/publ(ica) Mediol(anensi) / pecunia sua / restituit.
To the invincible Sol god Mithras, Publius Acilius Pisonianus, pater patratus, who at his own expense restored this speleum, which had been completely destroyed by the violent fire, the site having been repaired thanks to the public funds of the Mediolanenses.

Stele of Acilius Pisonianus from Milan
