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Ulbius Gaianus

Praefectus vehiculorum, an official of the Roman courier service.

  • Plaque dedicated to god Mithras Invictus Patrius.

    Plaque dedicated to god Mithras Invictus Patrius.
    The New Mithraeum / Jona Lendering (CC BY-SA) 

of Ulbius Gaianus

TNMP 159

Ulbius Gaianus was an official of the 'cursus publicus', the state postal service reorganised by the Emperor Hadrian (117-138).



Plaque of Milan by Ulbius Gaianus

TNMM 530

This monument dedicated to 'Invicto Patrio' was found in Milan in 1869.

Invicto / patrio / Ulb(ius) Gaianus / praef(ectus) vehic(ulorum).



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