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Marcus Valerius Maximus

Priest and astrologer of Milan.

  • Slab of the astrologer Maximus

    Slab of the astrologer Maximus
    Clauss (2021) 

of Marcus Valerius Maximus

  • Marcus Valerius Maximus was a syndexios.
  • Active c. 2nd – 3rd century in Mediolanum, Italia.

TNMP 116

Marcus Valerius Maximus, priest of the invincible sun god Mithras, scholar of astrology, for himself and his wife Severia A. He built a sepulchre for his family at Mediolanum in Cisalpine Gaul, dating to the third century, or the second half of the second.


Slab of the astrologer Maximus of Milan

TNMM 494

Marcus Valerius Maximus records in this inscription his knowledge of astrology as well as the name of his wife.

M(arcus) Valeri[us] / Maximu[s] / sacerdo[s] / d(ei) S(olis) i(nvicti) M(ithrae) / stu[di(osus)] / astrologia[e] / sibi et / Severiae Apr[.] / uxori. / H(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredes) n(on) [s(equetur)].
Marcus Valerius Maximus, priest of the invincible sun god Mithras, scholar of astrology, for himself and his wife Severia Apr[---]. This monument is not part of the heritage.



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