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Oea was an ancient city in modern-day Tripoli, Libya, founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC. It became a Roman-Berber colony in the second half of the 2nd century BC.

Mithraic monuments of Oea


Frescoes from the tomb of Aelius Magnus and Aelia Arisuth in Oea

The Mithraic nature of the frescoes of Oea, according to the scholars Cumont and Vermaseren, is now questioned.


Inscriptions of Oea

D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Aelia Arisuth / vixit annus / sexaginta plus minus. // Quae lea iacet.
Sacred to the gods of the dead. Aelia Arisuth lived sixty years, more or less. She lies here.

Frescoes from the tomb of Aelius Magnus and Aelia Arisuth in Oea

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