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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 46 results.

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Lambaesis

    The Mithraeum of Tazoult / Lambèse is one of the best preserved Mithras’s temples in Africa.


  • Syndexios

    Marcus Valerius Maximianus

    Clarissimus knight and legate born in Poetovio that helped to disseminate the cult of Mithras in the African provinces.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Agrius Calendius

    Dedicated a floor mosaic to his god.
  • Liber

    The Cult of Mithras in Late Antiquity. Development, Decline and Demise ca. A.D. 270-430 (2018)

    In The Cult of Mithras in Late Antiquity David Walsh explores how the cult of Mithras developed across the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. and why by the early 5th century the cult had completely disappeared. Contrary to the traditional narrative that the cult…
  • Syndexios

    Valerius Florus

    Governor of Numidia in 303, vir perfectissimus Valerius Florus was a well-known persecutor of Christians.
  • Syndexios

    Publius Numidius Decens

    Born in North Africa, he dedicated an inscription to the unconquered god Mithras, found in the Forum of Lambasis.
  • Syndexios


    Roman emperor and philosopher known for his attempt to restore Hellenistic polytheism.
  • Video

    Reconstructing the Roman Mystery Religion of Mithras

    Our modern understanding of Mithraism, though, depends largely on a few short (and very problematic) literary mentions, mostly written by the cult’s Christian rivals.
  • Notitia

    Mithraism As Proud Boy Prototype: Underground Clubs of the Syndexioi and Pueri Superbi

    Tracing the links between the cult of Mithras and the Proud Boys’ quest for identity, power, and belonging. How ancient rituals and brotherhood ideals resurface in radical modern movements.
  • Notitia

    Dancing out
    the Mysteries of Dionysos

    Peter Mark Adams: ‘The initiation was a frightening experience that caused some people to panic as a flood of otherworldly entities swept through the ritual space.’
  • Monumentum

    Plaque of Meknès

    One of the two inscriptions by Aurelius Nectoreca, a follower of Mithras, found in Meknès, Morocco.

    TNMM656 – CIMRM 161

    Pro salute et incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caesaris / L(ucii) Aeli(i) Aurel(ii) Commodi Pii invicti feli/cis Herculis Romani imperioque / eius Aur(elius) Nectorega (centurio) vex(illariorum) Britt(onum)…
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Meknès

    Two inscriptions by Aurelius Nectoreca, a follower of Mithras, have been found in Meknès, Morocco.

    TNMM655 – CIMRM 160

    I(nvicto) d(eo) M(ithrae) / Aur(elius) Nectore/ga (centurio) vex(illariorum) Brit(tonum) / Volubili / agentium / l(ibens) l(aetus) merito.
  • Syndexios

    Aurelius Nectoreca

    Breton centurion stationed in Volubilis, Mauretania Tingitana, known for his loyalty to Mithras and Commodus.
  • Locus


    Volubilis is a partly-excavated Berber-Roman city in Morocco situated near the city of Meknes that may have been the capital of the Kingdom of Mauretania, at least from the time of King Juba II.
  • Monumentum

    Frescoes from the tomb of Aelius Magnus and Aelia Arisuth in Oea

    The Mithraic nature of the frescoes of Oea, according to the scholars Cumont and Vermaseren, is now questioned.

    TNMM575 – CIMRM 113, 114

    D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Aelia Arisuth / vixit annus / sexaginta plus minus. // Quae lea iacet.
  • Locus


    Oea was an ancient city in modern-day Tripoli, Libya, founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC. It became a Roman-Berber colony in the second half of the 2nd century BC.
  • Monumentum

    Altar with inscription of Bingen

    The monument was dedicated by two brothers, one of them being the Pater of his community.

    TNMM519 – CIMRM 1243

    In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / deo invicto / Mytrhe (sic!) ara/m ex voto dei / de suo impen/dio instituer(unt) / A(ulus) Gratius Iuven/is pater sacroru/m et A(ulus) Gratius Po/tens m(iles) l(egionis…
  • Monumentum

    Relief of a round platter with food of Ladenburg

    The iconography of the platter of Ladenburg might evoke the food consumed during Mithraic banquets.


  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 108

    Statue (H. 2.03) in red, local limestone.

    TNMM851 – CIMRM 108

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 109


    TNMM852 – CIMRM 109

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