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Upper part of a goddess Fortuna of marble from Luna.
  • Fortuna goddess from Santa Prisca.

    Fortuna goddess from Santa Prisca.

  • CIMRM 496

    CIMRM 496
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
3 Jan 2025

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Upper part of a goddess (Fortuna) of marble from Luna (H. 0.15). She has a cornucopia in her I.h.

Related monuments

Mitreo di Santa Prisca

The Mithraeum of Santa Prisca houses remarkable frescoes showing the initiates in procession.

Procession Fresco from Santa Prisca

Figures in procession, each representing a different grade of Mithraic initiation, labeled with their respective titles.

Head of Sol / Helios intarsio from Sant Prisca

The intarsium of Sol found in the Mithraeum of Santa Prisca is composed of several varieties of marble.

Frescoes of lions at Santa Prisca

Procession of Leones carrying animals, bread, a krater, and other objects in preparation for a feast.


Oceanus-Saturn of Santa Prisca

The fragmented tauroctony of the Mitreo di Santa Prisca rests on the naked figure of a bearded man, probably Ocean or Saturn.

Tauroctony of Santa Prisca

Even if only a few fragments remain, it is very likely that the main niche of the Mitreo di Santa Prisca contained the usual representation of Mithras killing the bull.

Cautes of the mitreo di Santa Prisca

The marble statue of Cautes, found in the Mithraeum of Santa Prisca, was originally a Mercury.


Continuation of the frescoes depicting an initiation into the Mithras cult, where two attendants present a repast to Mithras and Sol.


Giant from Santa Prisca

Partial relief of a Giant with snake-feet found in the Mithraeum of Santa Prisca.

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