Memmius Placidus
He was a Heliodromus who recorded his grade on an inscription dedicated to Mithras.
of Memmius Placidus
- Memmius Placidus was a Heliodromus.
- Active late 2nd – early 3rd century in Caere, Etruria (Italia).
TNMP 143
On the basis of the letters preserved and the space available on the stone (equal to three letters) one could think indifferently of Mammius, Memmius, Mummius, Nummius, Remmius, all attested in the area, but the existence in Caere of properties belonging to the gens Memmia, documented since 39 BC by two servants of a L. Memmius, in whom chronology would lead us to recognise the praefectus of the seventh and twenty-sixth legions in charge of the distribution of land in the ager of Luca in the triumviral age, at the current state of knowledge makes the dissolution Memmius proposed in the facsimile seem plausible.
There seems to be no room [on the cippo] for a praenomen of Memmius, an absence that seems supported by the onomastics of the character that follows below, the pater Curtius Iuvenalis. Of these we can observe the family name Curtius, which in the regio VII is documented in the nearby Forum Clodii and Sutrium, and, proceeding northwards, in Falerii, Tarquinii, Forum Cassii, Volsinii, up to the longest Luna.
—Antolini 2017.
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Heliodromus inscription of Cerveteri in EDCS
Heliodromus inscription of Cerveteri
TNMM 512
This inscription by a certain Memmius Placidus is the first ever found signed by a Heliodromus.
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