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Slave who, for the salvation of his master, built a spelaeum in Aquileia, complete with its furnishings.

  • Inscription by Velox of Aquileia.

    Inscription by Velox of Aquileia.
    Krešimir Matijević 

of Velox

TNMP 195

Velox, identified in an inscription from the 1st to 2nd century AD found in Aquileia, in the province of Venetia, was a Roman slave. He held the position of "vilicus", who were usually supervisors or managers of some kind. Tiberius Claudius Macro, a contractor for the Noric iron mines, was probably his master, as indicated by the use of the genitive form of his name.

The text indicates that Velox was involved in the exploitation of the Noric iron mines, as described by the phrase "ferrariarum Noricarum". It also mentions that Velox was responsible for the construction of a "spelaeum cum omni apparatu", a term generally used to refer to a temple to Mithras, in this case fully equipped.



Inscription by Velox of Aquileia

TNMM 603

Marble slab with inscription by Velox for the salvation of the chief of the iron mines of Noricum.

Pro salute / Tiberi Claudi / Macronis con(ductoris) / fer(rariarum) Nor(icarum) Velox ser(vus) / vil(icus) spel(a)eum cum / omni apparatu fecit.
For the salvation of Tiberius Claudius Macro, head of the iron mines of Noricum, Velox, a slave steward, made the spelaeum with all his equipment.



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