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Septimius Severus

Lucius Septimius Severus

First African emperor of Rome (193 – 211), born in Leptis Magna, now Al-Khums in Libya.

  • Coin of Septimius Severus and Mithras

    Coin of Septimius Severus and Mithras

  • Inscription of Septimius Archelaus

    Inscription of Septimius Archelaus
    Les Cultes de Mithra dans l’Empire Romain 

of Septimius Severus

  • Septimius Severus was a syndexios (probably a Pater).
  • Active c. 145 – 211.
  • He was an Emperor.

TNMP 275

The very military Septimius Severus was undoubtedly aware of Mithras. An inscription mentions a ’chaplain’ in the imperial household responsible for Persian worship: sacerdos invicti Mithrae domus Augustanae [TNMM 453]. It is not clear, however, that the god was firmly and definitively established on the Palatine. The Petrogenic Mithras claimed to have been deciphered on a gold coin bearing the image of Septimius Severus (196) is merely a reduced representation of Phosphoros, the ’morning star’.



Coin of Septimius Severus and god on horseback

TNMM 518

Coin of Istrus, Moesia Inferior, showing Caracalla on one side and a god on horseback (Mithras ?) on the other.

Inscription of Septimius Archelaus

TNMM 453

This marble plaque was made by a Pater and priest Lucius Septimius Archelaus of Mithras for him, his wife and his freedmen and freedwomen.

D(is) M(anibus) / L. Septimius Aug(ustorum trium) lib(ertus) Archelaus / pater et sacerdos invicti / Mithrae domus Augustanae / fecit sibi et Cosiae Primitivae / coniugi benemerenti libertis liberta/busque posterisq(ue) eorum.
To the gods Manes. Lucius Septimius Archelaus, freedman of the three Augustans, Father and priest of the invincible Mithras, of the house of Augustus, made (this plaque) for him and Cosia Primitiva, his deserving wife, for their freedmen and freedwomen and for their posterity.



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