Aurelius Hermodorus
Praeses of the Noric Mediterranean province, of equestrian rank, restaured the Mithraeum of Virunum in 311.
of Aurelius Hermodorus
- Aurelius Hermodorus was a syndexios of the Mithraeum of Virunum.
- Active c. 311 in Noricum.
- He was a Governor (praeses) of the Noric Meditarrenaen province.
The inscription from Virunum was dedicated by Aurelius Hermodorus, a vi(r) p(erfectissimus) and provincial governor, p(raeses) p(rovinciae) N(orici) m(edi)t(erranei). London and Virunum were provincial capitals, Wiesbaden is very close to Mainz, the capital of Germania I, on the opposite side of the Rhine. There is ample evidence for renewed Roman activities on the right bank of the river in the area of Wiesbaden-Kastel and Wiesbaden in the in Diocletianic and Constantinian periods (Czysz 1994, 216-217). That the marble inscription in the spa town of Wiesbaden (Aquae Mattiacorum) was dedicated by a governor is at least not inconceivable, nor is it in the case of London.
Sauer (1996) The End of Paganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire
- Bricault, Veymers, Amoroso et al. (2021) The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult
- Gernot Piccottini (1994) Mithrastempel in Virunum
- Roger Beck (1998) Qui mortalitatis causa convenerunt: The Meeting of the Virunum mithraists on June 26, A.D. 184
Inscription of the praeses Aurelius Hermodorus
TNMM 455
This marble gives some details of the reconstruction of the Virunum Mithraeum.
Mithraeum of Virunum
TNMM 401
A bronze plaque records the existence of a mithraeum at Virunum that collapsed and was rebuilt by members of the community.
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