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Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 12 results.

  • Notitia

    The Mithreaum of Lugo reveals the expansion of the Persian cult to the boundaries of Hispania

    The museum that houses the temple of Mithras has become the most visited Roman space in the city since it opened.
  • Locus

    Lucus Augusti

    Today Lugo was the capital of the Capori tribe. It was conquered by Paullus Fabius Maximus and named Lucus Augustus in 13 BC after the positioning of a Roman military camp.
  • Notitia

    Los dioses de Egipto y Persia que los romanos honraron en Lucus Augusti

    La Domus de Mitreo y el Centro Arqueolóxico de San Roque muestran otra cara del viejo Lugo
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de Lugo

    The exploration of an old pazo, a manor house, near the Roman wall, in Lugo, led to the discovery of a Roman domus, which existed continuously from the beginnings of the Christian Era until the Late Empire.


  • Syndexios

    Claudius Zenobius

    Procurator of Tarraconensis, he dedicated a monument to the Invincible God, Isis and Serapis in Asturica Augusta.
  • Syndexios

    Gaius Victorius Victorinus

    Centurion of the Legio VII Gemina Antoniana Pia Felix who erected the only known mithraeum at Lucus Augusti to date.
  • Notitia

    Mitra en Hispania

    Con motivo del descubrimiento de un mitreo en Mitra en Cabra, charlamos con uno de los referentes del mitraísmo, Jaime Alvar. Con él, repasamos los testimonios hasta hoy conocidos y las especificidades del culto mitraico en Hispania.
  • Notitia

    Mithras in Hispania

    On the occasion of the discovery of a Mithraeum in Cabra, Spain, we talk to Jaime Alvar, a leading figure in the field of Mithraism. With him, we examine the testimonies known to date and the peculiarities of the cult of Mithras in Hispania.
  • Notitia

    Hallan en el yacimiento romano de Cabra (Córdoba) un lugar de culto al dios Mithra

    Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento arqueológico romano de la villa de Mithra, en Cabra (Córdoba), han deparado el excepcional hallazgo de un mitreo, o zona destinada al culto al dios Mithra, cuya estatua fue descubierta hace unos 70 años.
  • Monumentum

    Ara of the Mithraeum of Lugo

    Victorius Victorious, centurion of the Legio VII, erected the altar in honour of the Lugo garrison and of the Victorius Secundus and Victor, his freedmen.


    Deo / Inuic(to) Mithrae / G(aius) Victorius Vic/torinus (centurio) L(egionis) VII G(emina) / Antonianiae P(iae) F(elicis) / in honorem sta/tionis lucensis / et Victoriorum / Secundi et Vic/toris lib(e…
  • Syndexios

    Victorius Secundus

    Slave of Gaius Victorius Victorinus
  • Syndexios

    Victorius Victor

    Slave of Gaius Victorius Victorinus