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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 71 results.

  • Syndexios


  • Syndexios


    Kamerios reached the seventh grade in the Mithraic ladder. A couple of graffitis celebrate his achievements in the Mithraeum of Dura Europos.
  • Syndexios


    Commander of a unite of Palmyrene archers stationed with the Roman garrison in Dura Europos.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Caesarea Maritima

    This shrine developed towards the end of 2nd century and remained active until beginning 4th.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Sî`

    In the tauroctony of Jabal al-Druze in Syria, the snake appears to be licking the head of the bull's penis.

    TNMM389 – CIMRM 88

  • Monumentum

    Second tautoctony of Sî`

    The second tauroctony of Jabal al-Druze seems to have be made by the same sculptor.

    TNMM390 – CIMRM 89

    D(eo) S(oli) I(nvicto)
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 32

    Inscription carved on the pairs of columns on the backs of the five thrones, which stand on the west and east part of the terrace.

    TNMM822 – CIMRM 32

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 43

    The soffit or reveal of the arched niche had been decorated with white stars on a blue background.

    TNMM824 – CIMRM 43

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 47

    "Several heads were found of such a large scale that they must have belonged to fairly large paintings" (See fig. 12, IO) (Report, 104).

    TNMM825 – CIMRM 47

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 69

    On piece of wall plaster.

    TNMM839 – CIMRM 69

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 90

    Fragment of white marble relief (H. 0.20 Br. 0.13 D. 0.07).

    TNMM840 – CIMRM 90

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