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The New Mithraeum Database

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Your search gave 71 results.

  • Monumentum

    Lion-headed Aion from Sidon

    The controversial Italian journalist Edmon Durighello discovered this marble statue of a young naked Aion in 1887.

    TNMM157 – CIMRM 78, 79

    Φλ. Γερόντιος, πατὴρ νόμιμος, ἀνεϑέμην τῷ φ̕ ἔτι.
  • Monumentum

    Head of Mithras at Nemrud Dag

    The colossal head has been identified as a solar god, Apollo-Mihr-Mithras-Helios-Hermes.

    TNMM275 – CIMRM 29

  • Mithraeum

    Mount Nemrut Dağı

    Mount Nemrut or Nemrud is one of the highest peaks in the eastern Taurus Mountains, southeastern Turkey. On its summit large statues stand around what is supposed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC.

    TNMM79 – CIMRM 28

  • Monumentum

    Engraved column by Maximus of Dura Europos

    A certain Maximus from the Legio IV Scythica engraved his name in one of the columns of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos.

    TNMM759 – CIMRM 62

    Nam[a] / Maximus / scen[i]co / leg(ionis) IIII Sc(ythicae).
  • Monumentum

    Hekataion of Sidon

    The Hekataion of Sidon shows a triple Hekate surrounded by three dancing nymphs.

    TNMM305 – CIMRM 84, 85

    Φλ. Γερόντιος, πατὴρ νόμιμος, εὐχαριστῶν τὴν θέον ἀφιερωσάτω φʹ ἔτι.
  • Monumentum

    Fresco ‘City of Darkness’ from Hawarte

    The City of Darkness unique fresco from the Mithraeum of Hawarte shows the tightest links between the western and eastern worship of Mithras in Roman Syria.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Arshawi-Kibar

    This relief of Mithras as bull slayer is surrounded by Cautes and Cautopates with their usual torch plus an oval object.

    TNMM224 – CIMRM 71

  • Monumentum

    Altars of Dura Europos

    Three plaster altars within the main altar of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos, two of them with traces of fire and cinders.

    TNMM731 – CIMRM 35, 36

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Qasr Ibn Wardan

    According to F. Cumont, the Bedouins told a legend from which Nöldeke concluded that the castle of Quasr-ibn-Wardân was a fort with a mithraeum.

    TNMM350 – CIMRM 73

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony relief of Sidon

    The tauroctony relief of Sidon depicts the signs of the zodiac and the four seasons, among other familiar features.

    TNMM142 – CIMRM 75

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Sidon

    The Mithraeum of Sidon may have escaped destruction because the Mithras worshippers walled up the entrance to the underground sanctuary.

    TNMM11 – CIMRM 74

  • Monumentum

    Main Tauroctony relief from Dura Europos

    The main relief of Mithras killing the bull from the Mithraeum of Dura Europos includes three persons named Zenobius, Jariboles and Barnaadath.

    TNMM298 – CIMRM 40, 41

    Θεοῦ (sic) Μίθραν ἐπόησεν Ζηνόβιος ὁ καὶ Εἰαειβᾶς Ἰαριβωλέους / στρατεγὸς τοξοτῶν ἔτους δευτέρου πυ̕.
  • Monumentum

    Scratched words of Kamerios

    'Hail to Kamerios the Pater' can be read on one of the walls of the mithraeum at Dura Europos.

    TNMM614 – CIMRM 67

    Patri / vita / Ka/merio.
  • Monumentum

    Graffiti to Kamerios from Dura Europos Mithraeum

    The text mentions a certain Kamerios, described as immaculate miles.

    TNMM467 – CIMRM 59

    Νάμα Καμ/ερίω στρα/τιώτη / άκερίω.
  • Monumentum

    First Tauroctony relief of Dura Europos

    One of the reliefs of the Dura Europos tauroctonies includes several characters with their respective names.

    TNMM179 – CIMRM 37, 38

    Ἔθφανει ἰστρατηγα
  • Monumentum

    Dipinto in red letters from Dura Europos

    This short dipinto pays homage to the Lions and the Persians, the 4th and 5th Mithraic degrees.

    TNMM613 – CIMRM 58

    [Νά]μα λέουσιν / [ἁβρ ?]οῖς χαὶ Περσέσ/[ιν. .] ἐλεμνοις.
  • Monumentum

    Mithras hunting from Dura Europos

    In this fresco from Dura Europos, Mithras is represented as a hunter accompanied by the lion and the serpent.

    TNMM286 – CIMRM 52

  • Monumentum

    Fresco with tauroctony and seven cypresses

    This enigmatic fresco on top of the main tauroctony shows Mithras killing the bull, accompanied by Cautes and Cautopates, surrounded by burning altars and cypress trees.

    TNMM422 – CIMRM 45, 46

    Νάμα Μαρέῳ ζωγράφῳ.
  • Monumentum

    Sol and Mithras fresco of Dura Europos

    Sol watches Mithras as he gazes Mithras gazes up to heaven while sharing the sacred meal.

    TNMM203 – CIMRM 49

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraea of Dülük

    The Mithraea of Doliche, ancient Dülük, Turkey, are unique in that they represent two distinct shrines on the same site.


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