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Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.
I am a volunteer guide at Caesarea Maritima. The Mithraeum is visible, albeit without the altar. It is situated just pasrt the northern end of the hippodrome, where there are three warehouses from the Roman/Herodian period. It is the left hand one and marked the a sign board. It is not on my "route" but if anybody wants to know about it, I mention it, and if I have time take them to it.
Owner of the Facebook group: Roman Cult of Mithras: His Mysteries, Mithraea and Worship. Owner of the blog: Meals with Mithras
VERY into the subject.
Tracing the links between the cult of Mithras and the Proud Boys’ quest for identity, power, and belonging. How ancient rituals and brotherhood ideals resurface in radical modern movements.
Dave Fingrut has visited Mithraea and tauroctonies on three continents. He takes his cosmopolitan rootless and his anti-fascism premature.
Mithraic Influence on Early Christian Symbolism and Church – Architecture
The Dream of Scipio, the Orphic Gold Plates, and the Mithra Liturgy are compared revealing a common cosmovision predicated on the microcosm.
Catholic mystic. Currently working on the New Areopagus project. See me at West Nashville Phoenix #131
Really interested in ancient religions, now retired I can give some time to this.
I am a member of the Longthorpe Legion, a Living History group linked to our local museum that portrays the Romans in Britain, including a Temple to Mithras.
I think it would be helpful to include visiting information... I’m under the impression that some of the Roman mithraea require prior registration. Getting such info from people who have been would seriously help.
Catholic mystic. Currently working on the New Areopagus project. See me at West Nashville Phoenix #131
The most detailed publication on this monument seems to be Diamandis Triandaphyllos. „Nouveau relief rupestre de Mithra Tauroctone dans la région de Xanthi“, in: Pulpudeva. Semaines philippopolitaines de l’histoire et de la culture Thrace, (Supplementum 6), Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press 2008, pp. 159‒171. There is information about the "rediscovery" or rather reclassification of this monument (previously described as "the image of a warrior") in 1973, but no information about Bogdan Filov´s discovery. What is the source of this information?
I am an archaeologist from Macedonia. I have always been interested in Mithras. I am currently writing my MA thesis about the cult in my country.
Hello. We new zartosht doesn’t wrote the book of avesta and he and other zorastarians just edited it. So my topic is about homosexuality in Mithraism. We now homosexuality banned in avesta with very rough punishment in this world purgatory. But we have many high ranked characters in western mithraism(roman mithraism) they was homosexual or bisexual. So can you proove its banned or approved in mithraism?
Etudiant en dernière année de master à l’Université de Bourgogne. Je travail sur la vaisselle inscrite découverte dans les mithraea en Gaule.