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Civitas Taunensium

Nida was an ancient Roman town in the area today occupied by the northwestern suburbs of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, specifically Frankfurt-Heddernheim, on the edge of the Wetterau region.

Mithraic monuments of Nida


Cautopates with a hooked stick of Nida

This Cautopates from Nida carries the usual downward torch in his right hand and a hooked stick in his left.

CIMRM 1110


Mithraea of Heddernheim

Since 1826, four mithraea have been found at Nida-Heddernheim.


Tauroctony from the Mithräum von Heddernheim

This relief is so well-known that it has been reproduced in nearly every handbook of archaeology and of history of religions.

CIMRM 1083


Aion of Hedderneheim

The lion-headed statue of Hedderneheim is a reconstruction from fragments of two different sculptures.

CIMRM 1138


Aion from Nida

This lion-headed figure from Nida, present-day Frankfurt-Heddernheim, holds a key and a shovel in his hands.


Altar with Mithras rock-birth of Nida

The Mithraic stele from Nida depicts the Mithras Petrogenesis and the gods Cautes, Cautopates, Heaven and Ocean.

CIMRM 1127


Key of Mithraeum III at Nida

The key of Nida's Mithraeum III was decorated with a lion's head.

CIMRM 1115


Tauroctony from the Mithraeum III of Nida

The relief of Mithras slaying the bull from Nida's Mithraeum III was found in two pieces in 1887, destroyed during an air raid on Frankfurt in 1944, and restored in 1986.

CIMRM 1118


Cautes and Cautopates from Mithraeum III of Heddernheim

The two companions of Mithras carry a torch and a shepherd's staff at the third Mithraeum in Frankfurt-Heddernheim, formerly Nida.

CIMRM 1119


Altar of Murius Victor from Frankfurt

Marius Victor, according to the inscription on the monument, erected this monument to Mithras ’when Philip and Titianus were consuls’.

CIMRM 1102


Petrogeny with hand on head from Nida

This sculpture of Mithras being born from a rock is unique in the position of the hands.

Inscriptions of Nida

D(eo) inv(icto) Mit(hrae) / Senilius Car/antinus / c(ivis) Medio/m(atricus)
V(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito) / Sive Cracissiu[s]. // P(etram) genetricem.
To the invincible god Mithras, Senilius Carantinus, also named Cracissius, citizen of Mediomatricus, dedicated willingly, gladly and deservedly following a vow these images of Cautes, of the generative rock, of Cautopates, and of the Heaven and Ocean.

Altar with Mithras rock-birth of Nida

I(n) h(onorem) d(omus) d(iviuae) / d(eo) i(nvicto) Mithrae / Murius Victor / aedilis c(oloniae) T(aunensium) ex v[oto].

[Pos(uit) ded(it)] q(ue) / [d. n. Phi]l[ippo et] Ti/[tiano] co(n)s(ulibus).
In honor of the Divine House, to the Unconquered God Mithras, Murius Victor, aedile of the Colony of the Taunensians, [set this up] in fulfillment of a vow.

[He] placed [and] gave [this altar] when our lords Philip and Titianus were consuls.

Altar of Murius Victor from Frankfurt
