Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida
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Deo / invicto / C(aius) Aemilius / Superat[us] / a(nimo) l(ibens) p(osuit).
Melida Cat. Badajoz 206 No. 767.
The altar, divided into two diagonal blocks from the left to the right side, is decorated with a simple moulding as a crown; the base is also moulded. There is no decoration on the sides. It comes from the Cerro de San Albín in 1902. It does not appear in the Macías catalogue.
Mélida 1925 nº 767 p. 206; GyB 1948 nº 6 p. 325 fig. 6; Mallon - Marín 1951 ad nº 235 p 115; HAEpigr nº 2692; Vermaseren CIMRM I nº 796 p. 277; Batll…