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The New Mithraeum Database

Mithraic monuments, temples, places, books, videos and people related to Mithras of Spain.

Your selection gave 800 results.

  • Monumentum

    Coin of Septimius Severus and god on horseback

    Coin of Istrus, Moesia Inferior, showing Caracalla on one side and a god on horseback (Mithras ?) on the other.


  • Monumentum

    Altar of Carnuntum by the Augusti and Caesares

    Altar with Cautes and Cautopates dedicated to Sol Invictus Mithras as protector of the Tetrarchy in 3rd-century Carnuntum.

    TNMM524 – CIMRM 1697, 1698

    D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / fautori imperii sui / Iovii et Herculii / religiosissimi / Augusti et Caesares / sacrarium / restituerunt.
  • Monumentum

    Medallions with Mithras from Trapezus

    These bronze medallions associates the image of several Roman emperors with that of Mithras, usually as a rider, in the province Pontus.


  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Septimius Archelaus

    This marble plaque was made by a Pater and priest Lucius Septimius Archelaus of Mithras for him, his wife and his freedmen and freedwomen.

    TNMM453 – CIMRM 511

    D(is) M(anibus) / L. Septimius Aug(ustorum trium) lib(ertus) Archelaus / pater et sacerdos invicti / Mithrae domus Augustanae / fecit sibi et Cosiae Primitivae / coniugi benemerenti libertis liberta/b…
  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Mitreo Fagan

    This white marble relief depicting a lion-headed figure from Ostia is now exposed at the Musei Vaticani.

    TNMM440 – CIMRM 314, 315

    C. Valerius Heracles pat[e]r e[t] an[tis]/tes dei iu[b]enis inconrupti So[l]is invicti Mithra[e / c]ryptam palati concessa[m] sibi a M. Aurelio / ---.
  • Monumentum

    Mithraic slab from the catacombs of Vibia

    This inscription was commissioned by a family of priests of the invincible god Mithras.


    D(is) [M(anibus)]. / Sanct(a)e adquae peraenni (sic) bon(a)e me/moriae viris Aurelii(s) Faustiniano patri / et Castricio fratri, sacerdotibus dii (sic) Solis / Invicti Mit(h)rae. (H)eredes aeorum (sic…
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony from Sisak

    This marble relief, found in Sisak, Croatia, shows Mithras killing the bull in a circle of corn ears, gods and some scenes from the Mithras myth.

    TNMM784 – CIMRM 1475

  • Monumentum

    Altar by Aurelius Eutyches from Siscia

    This altar, dedicated to Sol Invictus Mithras by a certain Eutyches for the health of the Emperor Caracalla, was found in Sisak, Croatia, in 1899.

    TNMM783 – CIMRM 1476

    S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro sal(ute) / Imp(eratoris) Caesar(is) / M(arci) Aur(eli) Anto/nini P(ii) F(elicis) Aug(usti) / Aur(elius) Eutyches / ex voto.
  • Monumentum

    Tabula ansata of Lucius from Bremenium

    This inscription commemorates the building of a mithraeum in Bremenium with fellow worshippers of Mithras.

    TNMM566 – CIMRM 876

    Deo invicto [[et]] Soli soc(io) / sacrum. Pro salute et / incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) / M(arci) Aureli Antonini pii felic(is) / aug(usti) L(ucius) Caecilius Optatus / trib(unus) coh(ortis) I…
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Secundinus of Lyon

    There is no consensus on the authenticity of this monument erected by a certain Secundinus in Lugdunum, Gallia.

    TNMM748 – CIMRM 906, 907

    Deo invicto / Mithr(ae) / Secundinus dat.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription to Tourmasgade of Dura Europos

    This inscription by a certain Ioulianos, found at the entrance to the Dolichenum at Dura Europos, bears an inscription to Zeus Helios Mithras et Tourmasgade.

    TNMM661 – CIMRM 70

    Διὶ Ἡλίῳ / Μίθρᾳ άγί/ῳ ὑψίστῳ / ἐπηκόῳ / Τουρμασγά/δη [---] Ἰου/[λιαν-]ὸς στρα(τιώτης) / [λε]γ(εῶνος) ις´ Φ(λαου…
  • Monumentum

    Cippus à Zeus Helios great Serapis

    This small cippus to Zeus, Helios and Serapis includes Mithras as one of the main gods, although some authors argue that it could be the name of the donor.

    TNMM628 – CIMRM 463

    Εἷς Ζεὺς / [[Σάραπις]] / ῞Ηλιος / κοσμοκράτωρ / ἀνείκητος. Διὶ Ἡλίῳ / μεγάλῳ / Σαράπιδι / σωτῆρι / πλουτοδότῃ / …
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Flavius Lucilianus from Aveia

    This altar for the completion of a temple to Sol Invictus by Flavius Lucilianus was found in Fossa, Italy.

    TNMM778 – CIMRM 652

    Imp(eratore) Severo Antoni/no Aug(usto) IIII co(n)sule T. Fl(avius) Lucilianus / eq(ues) pub(licus) et T. Avidiaccus Fu/rianus eq(ues) pub(licus) speleum / Soli invicto consumma/ver(unt) cur(am) ag(en…
  • Monumentum

    Mithras on a horse

    This small bronze statuette of Mithras riding a horse is composed of two pieces.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo dels Munts

    The Mithraeum of Els Munts, near Tarragona, is one of the largest known to date.


  • Monumentum

    Column with inscription from Dura Europos

    The inscription pays homage to the emperor, probably Caracalla, to Mithras, the fathers, the petitor and the syndexioi.

    TNMM468 – CIMRM 54

    Ὓπὲρ Νίκης του Κυρί/ου ἡμων Αὐτοκράτορος / Νάμα θεῷ Μίθρᾳ / νάμα πάτρασι Λιβει/ανῷ καὶ Θεωδώρῳ / νάμα καὶ Μ…
  • Monumentum

    Inscription by Velox of Aquileia

    Marble slab with inscription by Velox for the salvation of the chief of the iron mines of Noricum.

    TNMM603 – CIMRM 747

    Pro salute / Tiberi Claudi / Macronis con(ductoris) / fer(rariarum) Nor(icarum) Velox ser(vus) / vil(icus) spel(a)eum cum / omni apparatu fecit.
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Septimius Zosimus from Roma

    This altar dedicated to Sol Invictus Mithras by a certain Septimius Zosimus was found in the Basilica of San Martino ai Monti in Rome.

    TNMM782 – CIMRM 360

    Deo Soli invicto Mitrhe / Fl. Septimius Zosimus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) / sacerdus dei Brontontis et Aecate hoc spel(a)eum constituit.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Fructosus in Ostia

    The inscription is carved into two pieces of marble cornice.

    TNMM450 – CIMRM 228

    [L. Ag]rius Fructosus patron(us) corp(orationis) s[tupp(atorum), te]mpl(um) et spel(aeum) Mit(hrae) a solo sua pec(unia) feci(t).
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Apronianus of Nesce

    The dedicator of this monument is also known for having made a tauroctonic relief in Nesce.

    TNMM689 – CIMRM 648

    . . spelaeu]m Solis invic[ti / Mithrae pro salut]e ordinis et pop[uli / Apronianus arka]rius rei p(ublicae) vetustate [collap]sum / [perm(issu) ordin(is) de] sua pecunia restit[uit].