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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 16 results.

  • Liber

    Quand les dieux voyagent. Cultes et mythes en mouvement dans l'espace méditerranéen antique (2016)

    Ce livre présente les religions de la Méditerranée ancienne – grecque, romaine, phénicienne et punique, hébraïque et juive, mésopotamienne, égyptienne – en mouvement. Au fur et à mesure de ces histoires de dieux en voyage, les principaux enjeux inhér
  • Notitia

    Le projet MITHRA

    Laurent Bricault révolutionne les études mithriaques avec l’exposition Le Mystère Mithra. Rencontre à Toulouse avec ce professeur pour une plongée fascinante dans les dernières découvertes sur ce culte invincible.
  • Liber

    Mithriaca III. The Mithraeum at Marino (1982)

    This magnificently illustrated publication renews the Mithraic dossier on the basis of concrete data, with caution and penetration. Marino's discovery is disconcerting and rekindles the controversy about the order in which bands should be read.
  • Liber

    The Cult of Mithras in the Roman Provinces of Gaul (1974)

    On ne saurait qu'applaudir à l'idée qu'a eue V. J. Walters de faire le point des découvertes mithriaques en Gaule romaine. Son projet reste dominé par le découpage administratif des « Roman provinces of Gaul ». Mais compte tenu de l'ensemble que ce…
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Mithraeum of Lucciana

    The archeologists have found three fragments of the Tauroctony of Lucciana, which includes Cautes and Cautopates.


  • Notitia

    The MITHRA Project

    Laurent Bricault has revolutionised Mithraic studies with the exhibition The Mystery of Mithras. Meet this professor in Toulouse for a fascinating look at the latest discoveries and what lies ahead.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Velletri

    The Tauroctony found in Velletri, Rome, bears an inscription from its owner and donor.

    TNMM307 – CIMRM 208, 209

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Arshawi-Kibar

    This relief of Mithras as bull slayer is surrounded by Cautes and Cautopates with their usual torch plus an oval object.

    TNMM224 – CIMRM 71

  • Monumentum

    Mithraic relief of Baris

    The mithraic relief of Baris, current Turkey, depicts a proto version of the Tauroctony with a winged Mithras surrounded by two Victories.


  • Monumentum

    Rock birth from St Aubin

    Mithras Petrogenitus from Saint-Aubin en France.

    TNMM230 – CIMRM 894

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Mitreo delle terme di Mitra

    The person who commanded the sculpture may have been M. Umbilius Criton, documented in the Mitreo della Planta Pedis.

    TNMM108 – CIMRM 230, 231

    Κρίτων / Ἀθηναιος / έποίει.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Mackwiller

    The Mackwiller Mithraeum was built in the middle of the 2nd century, during the reign of Antoninus the Pious, on the site of a spring already worshipped by the natives.


  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-birth fresco of Hawarte

    In one of Hawarte's frescoes, the rock birth of Mithras is preceded by Zeus and followed by the young Persian god suspended from a cypress tree.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of York

    This stone in basso relief of Mithras killing the bull was found 10 foot underground in Micklegate York in 1747.

    TNMM246 – CIMRM 835

  • Notitia

    Un sanctuaire dédié au dieu Mithra découvert en Corse

    L’Inrap vient de mettre au jour un lieu de culte dédié au dieu Mithra sur le site de Mariana, à Lucciana, France.
  • Monumentum

    Fresco ‘City of Darkness’ from Hawarte

    The City of Darkness unique fresco from the Mithraeum of Hawarte shows the tightest links between the western and eastern worship of Mithras in Roman Syria.
