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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 310 results.

  • Syndexios

    Aulus Gratius Iuvenis

    Pater who dedicated an altar together with his bother in Bingium.
  • Syndexios

    Mercatorius Castrensis

    Offered the famous Tauroctony of Osterburken to the unconquerable sun god Mithras.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Riegel

    A votive altar referring to the cult of Mithras was found more than forty years before the site was excavated and the Mithraeum discovered.


  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Sarrebourg

    The Mithraeum of Sarrebourg was discovered during operatoins for military buldings.

    TNMM45 – CIMRM 965

  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Heidenfeld


  • Monumentum

    Mithraic vessel of Mainz

    The Mithraic vase from Ballplatz in Mainz shows seven figures performing different sequences of an initiation ritual.


  • Syndexios


    Pater at Mainz.
  • Syndexios

    Secundinius Amantius

    He was cornicularius, supply officer, to the prefect of the Legion XXII Primigenia.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Mainz

    The Mithraeum of Mainz, was discovered outside the Roman legionary fortress. Unfortunately the site was destroyed without being recorded.


  • Syndexios


    Probably a Greek-speaking slave who offered a Cautes placed in the Mithraeum of the Bolards.
  • Syndexios


    Dedicated the northernmost in situ Mithraic find on the Roman Empire.
  • Syndexios


    He travelled to Juliomagus and engraved vases to the undefeated Sun Mithras for his brothers.
  • Syndexios


    Slave who dedicated to Mithras ten drinking vessels at Mons Seleucus.
  • Syndexios

    Marcus Iulius Maternianus

    Has dedicated to Mithras a relief of the Tauroctony in Mons Seleucus.
  • Syndexios

    Titus Martialius Candidus

    Dedicated two altars to Cautes and Cautopates in Saalburg.
  • Monumentum

    Incriptions to the gods of East and West

    These two inscriptions by a certain Titus Martialius Candidus are dedicated to Cautes and Cautopates.

    TNMM496 – CIMRM 1214

    D(eo) Or(ienti) / T(itus) Mar/tial(i)us / Candi/dus v(otum) s(olvit) / l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito). D(eo) Oc(cidenti) / [T(itus)] Mar/[ti]al(i)us / Candi/dus v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(eri…
  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum des Bolards

    The Mithraeum des Bolards was integrated into a therapeutic cultural complex related to healing waters.

    TNMM81 – CIMRM 917

  • Syndexios

    Gaius Celsinius Matutinus

    Veteran of the Legio VIII Augusta
  • Syndexios


    A bronze plaque with a tauroctony dedicated by him was found between the blocks of the base of the cult relief in one of the Stockstadt temples.
  • Monumentum

    Votive plaque of Stockstadt

    This plaque was found in Mithraeum I at Stockstadt broken into pieces inserted between the blocks of the socle of the cult relief, in the manner of a votive deposit.

    TNMM399 – CIMRM 1206, 1207

    [D(eo)] i(nvicto) M(ithrae) et S(oli) s(ocio) Argata / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
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