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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 33 results.

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus

    This altar is dedicated to the birth of Mithras by a frumentarius of the Legio VII Geminae.

    TNMM338 – CIMRM 793

    Ann(o) Col(oniae) CLXXX / aram genesis / Inuicti Mithrae / M(arcus) Val(erius) Secundus / fr(umentarius) Leg(ionis) VII Gem(inae) dono / ponendam merito curauit / G(aio) Accio Hedychro patre.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Secundinus of Lyon

    There is no consensus on the authenticity of this monument erected by a certain Secundinus in Lugdunum, Gallia.

    TNMM748 – CIMRM 906, 907

    Deo invicto / Mithr(ae) / Secundinus dat.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonic medallion from Caesarea Maritima

    The small medallion depicts three scenes from the life of Mithras, including the Tauroctony. It may come from the Danube area.


  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Vienne

    Emperor Julian may have been initiated into the cult of the god Mithras at the Mithraeum of Vienne, France, according to Turcan.

    TNMM293 – CIMRM 901, 902

    Deo Cau/te
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Absalmos

    The relief depict several unusual scenes from Mithras's myth.


    ἐκ τῶν τοῦ θεοῦ ἐπὶ ̕Αβσάλμου
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo Fagan

    The Mitreo Fagan revealed remarkable sculptures of leon-headed figures now exposed at the Vatican Museum.

    TNMM98 – CIMRM 309

  • Liber

    Antaios : Mysteria Mithrae (1994)

    Antaios, numéro dédié au culte de Mithra avec des articles, entrevues, poèmes et d'autres textes.
  • Notitia

    El padre de Mitra

    Es bien sabido que Mitra nació de una roca. Sin embargo, menos se ha escrito acerca del padre del dios solar, y especialmente sobre cómo lo concibió.
  • Notitia

    The Father of Mithras

    It is well known that Mithras was born from a rock. However, less has been written about the father of the solar god, and especially about how he conceived him.
  • Liber

    Études Mithriaques. Actes du 2e Congrès International, Téhéran, du 1er au 8 septembre 1975 (1978)

    Actes du 2e Congrès International, Téhéran, du 1er au 8 septembre 1975. (Actes du Congrès, 4). Éditions Brill, collection. Acta Iranica.
  • Notitia

    Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos

    Peter Mark Adams: ‘The initiation was a frightening experience that caused some people to panic as a flood of otherworldly entities swept through the ritual space.’
  • Socius

    Robert Staab

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Aula Gotica

    What appears to be a representation of Mithras killing the bull appears in the 12th century frescoes of the Basilica dei Santi Quattro Coronati in Rome.
