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Aebutius Restitutianus

Pater sacrorum and founder of the Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo.

  • Inscription by Proficentius.

    Inscription by Proficentius.
    R. Marchionni 2008 

of Proficentius


Pater sacrorum and founder of the Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo. He uses the signum Proficentius, which means the efficient, the one who succeed.

He is called antistes dei Solis invicti Mithrae in the altar of the Mitreo sotto la Basilica di San Lorenzo.

Mithras indicated him where to build the Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo, as explain in a marble slab found in the temple.

Le Père fondateur du sanctuaire [TNMM 438] porte le signum de Proficentius (« l’efficace », « celui qui réussit »), qui peut être mis en rapport avec l’oeuvre accomplie, dont il se prévaut en rédigeant ce texte versifié, gravé sur une plaque de marbre et placé dans le speleum. Il s’y vante, avec une modestie toute, relative, d’avoir offert un speleum à l’instigation du dieu, qui l’aveait visité, pour le bonheur des syndexi désireux de célébrer leurs voeux. Sous son nom complet, Aebutius Restitutianus qui et Proficentius, et portant cette fois le titre d’antistes dei Solis invicti Mithrae, il est aussi le dédicant d’un autel déposé dans le même lieu de culte [TNMM 439].

Bricault et Roy (2021).



Altar from the Mitreo sotto la Basilica di San Lorenzo

TNMM 439

This cylindrical marble altar was dedicated by the same Pater Proficentius as the slab, both monuments found in the Mithraeum beneath the Basilica of San Lorenzo.

Aebutius Restituti/anus qui et Proficen/tius antistes dei / Solis invicti Mithrae/ aram / d(onum) d(edit).
Aebutius Restitutianus, also Proficientius, high priest of the god of the invincible sun, gave the altar as a gift to Mithras.

Inscription by Proficentius, Rome

TNMM 437

This marble slab bears an inception be the Pater Proficentius to whom Mithras has suggested to build and devote a temple.

Hic locus est felix sanctus piusque benignus / quem monuit Mithras mentemque dedit / Proficentio patri sacrorum / utque sibi spelaeum faceret dedicaretque / et celeri instansque operi reddit munera grata / quem bono auspicio suscepit anxia mente / ut possint syndexi hilares celebrare vota per aevm / hos versiculos generavit proficentius / pater dignissimus Mithrae // L(ucius) Castricius Probus d(onum) d(edit).
It is here a happy, pure and pious, beneficent place that Mithras indicated to Proficentius, Father of the rites (pater sacrorum), so that he could build a crypt (spelaeum) and dedicate it to him. And it is with celerity, without respite, that he accomplishes these precious missions undertaken under good auspices, so that the syndexi can, with joy, celebrate their vows, eternally.

These little verses were composed by Proficentius, a very worthy father of Mithras.

Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo

TNMM 438

In 1938 this Mithraeum was found 3.45 mtrs under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo in Damaso, in a cellar near the Sacrament's Chapel.



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