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Gaius Curius Avitus

  • Cautopates of Mérida

    Cautopates of Mérida
    The New Mithraeum / Olivier-Antoine Reÿnès (CC BY-NC-SA) 

of Gaius Curius Avitus


Caius Curius Avitus financed the Cautopates with a dolphin found at the Casa del Mitreo in Merida when Accius Hedychrus was Pater. The sculpture was made by a greek named Demetros.


Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida

TNMM 242

The sculpture of the solar god is signed by its author, Demetrios.

Invicto sacrum C. Curius Avitus / Acci(o) Hedychro pa(tre).
Δημήτριος ἐποίει
Dedicated to the invincible. Caius Curius Avitus, Accius Hedychrus being Father.
Demetros made it.



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