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Tiberius Claudius Artemidorus

The pater Artemidorus seems to be an Augustan freedman of the Claudians, of Eastern origin.

of Tiberius Claudius Artemidorus

TNMP 197

The pater Artemidorus seems to be an Augustan freedman of the Claudians, of Eastern origin, which fits in well with the hierarchies of Hispanic Mithraism. Hübner suggested that this person was the same as the one in CIL II 517: Claudiae Mariae Pacensi / Ti(berius) Claud(ius) Artemidorus, a document from Galisteo, in the province of Cáceres. We cannot be sure of its identity, as the second epigraph does not provide any additional information. It is possible, however, that he is related to the [Tiberius(?)] Cl(audius) Artem[idorus(?)] mentioned in an inscription from Mérida (CIL II 4969,01 = HEp 4, 176 = HEpOL, no. 10555).


Base of statue from Mérida

TNMM 560

This lost monument bears an inscription to Cautes by a certain Tiberius Claudius Artemidorus.

Caute / Tib(erius) Cl(audius) / Artemidoru[s] / p(ater?).
To Cautes, pater Tiberius Claudius Artemidorus



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