Brothers active in Emerita Augusta
Mithraic monuments of Emerita Augusta
Casa del Mitreo de Mérida
Although the site at Cerro de San Albín is not a Mithraeum, archaeologists have found several monuments related to the cult of Mithras.
Aion of Mérida
The Aion-Chronos of Mérida was found near the bullring of the current city, once capital of the Roman province Hispania Ulterior.
Lion-headed figure of Mérida
The lion-headed figure, Aion, from Mérida, wears oriental knickers fastened at the waist by a cinch strap.
Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida
The sculpture of the solar god is signed by its author, Demetrios.
Mitreo de la calle Espronceda
The Mithraeum at Espronceda Street, in Merida, was discovered in 2000. It is a semi-subterranean temple.
Mithras's feast from Mérida
This mithraic communion from Mérida shows three persons at table with other people standing besides, one of them with a bull's head on a plate.
Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus
This altar is dedicated to the birth of Mithras by a frumentarius of the Legio VII Geminae.
Mercury of Mérida
The statue of Mercury in Merida bears a dedication from the Roman Pater of a community in the city in 155.
Cautes of Mérida
This nude male figure, found at Cerro de San Albín, Mérida, has been identified as Cautes.
Venus pudica of Mérida
The Venus pudica of Merida stands next to the young Amor riding a dolplhin.
Aesculapius of Merida
This standing sculptural figure from Mérida appears to carry the serpent staff, characteristic of the medicine god Aesculapius.
Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida
Small white marble altar made in honour of Mithras found at San Albín, Mérida.
Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida
The small Mithraic altar found at Cerro de San Albin, Merida, bears an inscription to the health of a certain Caius Iulius.
Oceaunus of Mérida
The sculpture of Oceanus in Merida bears an inscription by the Pater Patrorum Gaius Accius Hedychrus.
Venus of Mérida small sculpture
The lack of attributes and its decontextualisation prevent us from attributing a specific Mithraic attribution to this small Venus pudica from Mérida.
Serapis head from Mérida
This head of Serapis from Cerro de San Albín may be unrelated to Mithras worship.
Altar of Mérida from Quintio
This altar, which has now disappeared, was dedicated by the slave Quintio for the health of a certain Coutius Lupus.
Tauroctony of the Gran Mitreo de Mérida
These fragments of a monumental tauroctony found in the Cerro de San Albín must have decorated the Gran Mitreo de Mérida, which has not yet been found.
Gran mitreo de Mérida
Jaime Alvar speculates that the Gran Mitreo de Mérida could have been located in this area, based on a series of materials unearthed by Mélida during the excavations of 1926 and 1927.
Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida
This fragmented altar was found in two pieces that Ana Osorio Calvo has recently brought together.
We still have to mention a naked foot beside the remnants of a tree-trunk (Inv. No. 576) and remnants of a marble seat or table, on which an acanthus-leaf, with the head and neck of a lion emerging out of it (Melida, Cat. Badajoz, Nos. 1086 and 1095).
Inscriptions of Emerita Augusta
Δημήτριος ἐποίει
Demetros made it.
Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida
Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus
Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida
Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Mercury of Mérida in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Oceaunus of Mérida in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Mercury of Mérida in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Oceaunus of Mérida in EDCS
- Hispania Epigraphica. Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida in HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida in HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida in HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundusin HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida in HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Mercury of Mérida in HE
- Hispania Epigraphica. Oceaunus of Mérida in HE
- Jaime Alvar (2020) Ara de mármol blanco con inscripción
- Jaime Alvar (2020) Estudio histórico – Mitra en Hispania
- Jaime Alvar (2020) Mitra en Hispania: Fragmentos del relieve de la tauroctonía
- Jaime Alvar (2020) Mitra en Hispania: 1.01.03. Materiales procedentes de la Calle Constantino de Mérida
- Jaime Alvar (2020) Mitra en Hispania: Pequeña ara votiva de mármol blanco
- Jaime Alvar.
- Jaime Alvar Ezquerra (1981) El culto de Mitra en Hispania
- Javier Alvar (2020) Basa de estatua con inscripción – Mithra en Hispania
- Mitra en Hispania. Aesculapius of Merida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Aion of Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Lion-headed figure of Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Mercury of Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Naked figure from Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Oceaunus of Mérida in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Venus of Mérida small sculpture in MEH
- Mitra en Hispania. Venus pudica of Mérida in MEH
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2018) C019. Catálogo. Lusitania. Emerita Augusta - Mérida (Badajoz). Escultura
- House of Mithraeum. Turismo de Mérida
- La Casa del Mitreo. ArcheoAndrea