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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras.

Your search italia gave 383 results.

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale

    A mosaic of Silvanus, dated to the time of Commodus, was found in a niche in a nearby room of the Mithraeum in the Imperial Palace at Ostia.

    TNMM97 – CIMRM 250, 251

    Soli invict(o) Mit(hrae) d(onum) d(edit) L. Agrius Calendio.
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Aelius Secundinus of Novaria

    The v in this small altar found in Novaria has been interpreted by some commentators as qualifying Mithras as victorious.

    TNMM622 – CIMRM 704

    [S]acrum Soli / Mit[hr]ae numini / v... inviet(o) deo / [v]isu iussus / Aelius Secundinus.
  • Syndexios

    Aelius Secundinus

  • Locus


    Novara aːra] is the capital city of the province of Novara in the Piedmont region in northwest Italy, to the west of Milan.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Valerianus Petalus

    In this inscription, found in Angera in Lombardy, Mithras is referred to by the unicum 'adiutor'.

    TNMM621 – CIMRM 717

    D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / adiutor(i) / Valerian(us) / Petalus v(otum) [s(olvit)].
  • Syndexios

    Valerianus Petalus

  • Monumentum

    Altars of two Clarissimi in the Phrygianum of the Vatican

    Both of them were discovered in 1609 in the foundations of the façade of the church of San Pietro, Rome.

    TNMM620 – CIMRM 513, 514

    M(atri) d(eum) m(agnae) I(deae) / et Attidi meno/tyranno conser/vatoribus suis Cae/lius Hilarianus v(ir) c(larissimus) / duodecimbyr (sic!) / urbis Romae / p(ater) s(acrorum) et hieroceryx / i(nvicti)…
  • Syndexios

    Caelius Hilarianus

  • Monumentum

    Colonne with inscription by workers of the pig market

    The inscription included the names of the brotherhood, which are now lost.


    S[oli] i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / et sodalicio eius / actores de foro suario / quorum nomina / [[sequuntur]]…