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Monuments to Mithras tagged with ‘aion’

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult tagged with ‘aion’.

Your selection aion in monuments gave 35 results.

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  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mitreo Fagan

    The marble Aion from the lost Mithraeum Fagan, Ostia, now presides the entrance to the Vatican Library.

    TNMM116 – CIMRM 312, 313

    C. Valeri/us Heracles pat(er) / et C(aii) Valerii / Vitalis et Nico/mes sacerdo/tes s(ua) p(e)c(unia) p(o)s(ue)r(unt). / D(e)d(icatum) idi(bus) aug(ustis) im(peratore) / Com(odo) / VI et / Septi/miano…
  • Monumentum

    Relief of Aion on globe

    The lion-headed god is standing on a globe encicled by two crossed bands on which five pearls.

    TNMM322 – CIMRM 543

  • Monumentum

    Small Aion from unkown provenence

    Its base is partially broken, so it is unclear if the figure was standing on a globe, an expected position, or not.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mérida

    The Aion-Chronos of Mérida was found near the bullring of the current city, once capital of the Roman province Hispania Ulterior.

    TNMM181 – CIMRM 777

  • Monumentum

    Bust of Aion of unkown origine

    This bust of a lion-headed figure has been was part of a French private collection.


  • Monumentum

    Aion from Nida

    This lion-headed figure from Nida, present-day Frankfurt-Heddernheim, holds a key and a shovel in his hands.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Hedderneheim

    The lion-headed statue of Hedderneheim is a reconstruction from fragments of two different sculptures.

    TNMM238 – CIMRM 1138

  • Monumentum

    Major fresco of the Mitreo Barberini

    The votive fresco from the Mithraeum Barberini displays several scenes from Mithras's myth.

    TNMM167 – CIMRM 390

  • Monumentum

    Aion of Florence

    The sculpture of Aion from Florence, Italy, has the usual serpent, coiled six times on its body, whose head rests on that of the god of eternal time.

    TNMM330 – CIMRM 665

  • Monumentum

    Four mithraic engravings from Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Religionis Historia

    The folio depicts three tauroctonies and a Mithras Triumphantes standing on a bull with the globe in one hand and the dagger in the other.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Skikda

    The lion-headed figure of Skikda includes a pine-apple beside his feet.

    TNMM318 – CIMRM 125

  • Monumentum

    Aion of Memphis

    This statue of the god lion-head was found in Memphis, Egypt.

    TNMM323 – CIMRM 94

  • Monumentum

    Aion of Oxyrhynchus

    According to Pettazzoni Aion in general finds its iconographical origin in Egypt. Mithras must have been worshipped in Egypt in the third century B.C.

    TNMM271 – CIMRM 103

  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Palazzo Colonna

    The relief of Palazzo Colonna, Rome, depicts a lion-headed figure holding a burning torch in his outstretched hands.

    TNMM317 – CIMRM 383

  • Monumentum

    Aion of York

    The statue of Arimanius/Ahriman was found in 1874 under the city wall of York during the construction of the railway station.

    TNMM250 – CIMRM 833, 834

    Vol(usius) Iren[aeus] / Arimani v(otum) [s(olvens) l(ibens) / m(erito)] / d(ono) [ d(edit)]