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Acta diurna

Daily Gazette

Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.

Mar 2023

The so-called Elephant Tomb was not a tomb. The data that support its character as a mithraeum derive from its formal characteristics: A room divided into three parts, presided by a chapel, subway, with a water fountain. These are characteristics that formally define a mithraeum. In addition, it has a window that directs the sun's rays into the center of the chamber at the equinoxes three hours after sunrise. In spring, at that time, Taurus would emerge over the horizon. This same configuration is observed in Hawarte whose window allowed the sun's rays to point to the altar during the winter solstice, two hours before sunset. At that time, Taurus emerged over the horizon.
One cannot call a proposal extravagant just because one does not know the basic principles of archaeoastronomy or building archaeology.

Mar 2023

Archaeologist and tour guide

Mar 2023

Design student, blacksmith and student of western magic traditions.

Mar 2023
The New Mithraeum

Want to know more about modern mithraic organizations in your area? Just ask #ChatGPT

Mar 2023

Researcher in history of ancient North Africa. I am interested to the Eastern cults (Anatolian, Egyptian, Syrian, Iranian) which were propagated in this area.

Mar 2023
Mar 2023

An author writing a novel on Mithras

Mar 2023

Student in Roman Archaeology in France

Mar 2023

Associate Professor of Early and Medieval Christian History

Mar 2023

Mithras in Hispania

On the occasion of the discovery of the mithraeum in Cabra, we talk to Jaime Alvar, a leading figure in the field of Mithraism. With him, we examine the testimonies known to date and the peculiarities of the cult of Mithras in Hispania.

The so-called Elephant Tomb was not a tomb. The data that support its character as a mithraeum derive from its formal characteristics: A room divided into three parts, presided by a chapel, subway, with a water fountain. These are characteristics that formally define a mithraeum. In addition, it has a window that directs the sun's rays into the center of the chamber at the equinoxes three hours after sunrise. In spring, at that time, Taurus would emerge over the horizon. This same configuration is observed in Hawarte whose window allowed the sun's rays to point to the altar during the winter solstice, two hours before sunset. At that time, Taurus emerged over the horizon. One cannot call a proposal extravagant just because one does not know the basic principles of archaeoastronomy or building archaeology.
A chara, Any chance of an English translation of El Culto de Mitra en Hispania? If all else fails I’ll work my way slowly through it with my diccionario. Meanwhile, I’m struck by some similarities between the Mithraic Mysteries and Irish Druidism, particularly the tairbhfeis roughly translated as the "bull feast" or "bull sleep". The slaughter of a bull was involved. Rites of kingship applied but also when in search of visions, the Druid/Druidess would wrap themselves in a bull hide and sleep within the dark caves of the ancient mounds (built pre Druidic religion). Many of the mounds were constructed to face the sun. The mound at Brugh na Boinne has a ’roof box’ over the entrance which allows for the sun’s rays of the winter solstice to strike the central chamber. O.R.
Feb 2023
Feb 2023

Historian, lover of Antiquity

Feb 2023
Feb 2023

La creación del mito de Mitra | Jaime Alvar Ezquerra

The New Mithraeum

Jaime Alvar Ezquerra habla de 'La creación del mito de Mitra' en el tercer seminario online de Aglaya.

Feb 2023

studying gamefowl history

Feb 2023

MA Visual and Material Culture at Warwick University; British School at Rome City of Rome 2022. First class BA Hons Ancient History and Classical Archaeology.

Feb 2023

I'm just a student.

Feb 2023

Hallan en el yacimiento romano de Cabra (Córdoba) un lugar de culto al dios Mithra

The New Mithraeum

Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento arqueológico romano de la villa de Mithra, en Cabra (Córdoba), han deparado el excepcional hallazgo de un mitreo, o zona destinada al culto al dios Mithra, cuya estatua fue descubierta hace unos 70 años.

Feb 2023

MA Classics & Ancient Civilizations, Teacher of Classics, Epigraphist

Feb 2023


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