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Consider that there is a two-sided cult relief found at Mithraeum I of Stockstadt (CIMRM 1162) simal to this in Dieburg (CIMRM 1247)
Lit. Ingeborg Huld-Zetsche/ Klaus Jürgen Rau (2001), Das doppelseitige Kultbild aus dem Mithräum I von Stockstadt, Saalburg Jahrbuch 51, 13-36.
Original is now in the Ötzi Museum in Bozen, but still not part of an exhibition.
Günther Kaufmann: Das Mithras-Kultbild von Mauls. In: Der Schlern vol. 98, 7 (2024) p. 4-51
Italian archeaologist, interested in Epigraphy, Numismatics, History of collections
12 178 ROMA ROMA (Reg. IX) is part of the next entry and should be removed from here. ;-)
I guess the author has made a mistake. The so called Casa del Mitreo has not provided any document related to Mithras cult. All the mentionned pieces come from the old excavation at the close Cerro de San Albín. The correct origin is to be found at Jaime Alvar’s site https://humanidadesdigitales.uc3m.es/s/mitra/page/inicio
This is not a mithraic feast. It is part of a christian sarcophagus, on the left is a representation of Noah. See: https://humanidadesdigitales.uc3m.es/s/mitra/item/10487
I’m not convinced that Taurus is being killed
By Mithras. It’s my opinion that Mithras is trying to save Taurus from bleeding out. Please notice that Mithras is holding up the head of the bull helping him breath . Further more Mithras is holding a small dagger above the shoulder on Taurus where as a much more suitable sword is mounted on the wall above Taurus.I contend that Mithras is cauterizing a wounded to make it stop bleeding. He is watching the sky to see if the Taurid meteor shower has stopped.
For our German-speaking friends, don’t miss Stefan Nährlich’s blog, Das Erbe Roms. It offers a plethora of intriguing articles on not only Mithras but the entire Empire. His posts feature excellent original photographs, perfect for both Romans and barbarians alike! Enjoy exploring.
Exploring religion, rituals, archaeological insights, and historical impact of the Cult of Mithras in the Danubian provinces.
CIMRM 1111
Dave Fingrut has visited Mithraea and tauroctonies on three continents. He takes his cosmopolitan rootless and his anti-fascism premature.
Trump derangement syndrome is something else.