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Table of references for mithraic artefacts

Cross-database references to monuments, inscriptions and other artefacts related to the Cult of Mithras.

Altar of Malaga 732 767 519 II 1966 05501664 1602 10350
Lápida mitráica de San Juan de la Isla 196 803 514 II 2705-5728 05502094 8531 10415
Inscription of Tarragona 743 806 515 II 4086 05503118 9798 10711
Base of statue from Mérida 560 797 512 II 464 05500474 21483 8329
Tauroctony of Golubić 696 1910 222 III 10034 30400590 HD052640
Altars to Cautes and Cautopates of Aquincum 477 1751 329 III 10463 29500124 HD067999
Tabula ansata from Brigetio 252 1739 391 III 11008 30000213 HD071985
Mithraic stele from Alba Iulia 257 1937 243 III 1109
Tauroctony of Euthices from Apulum 638 1935 242 III 1109
Altar of Chrestion from Alba Iulia 666 1945 244 III 1112 15800133 HD038402
Altar of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia 665 1942 245 III 1113 72800152 HD038403
Altar by Valerius Maximianus from Apulum 506 1950 249 III 1122 15800152
Taurcotony of Secundinus 796 1947 197 III 1123
Column of Callimorphus 35 17 III 12135 1889 45 27800570
Altar of Tihaljina 754 1889 III 12810 31400255 HD053180 23739
Altar of Senj made by the slave Hermes 402 1846 312a III 13283
Inscription by Propinquos of Carnuntum 493 1693 367b III 14083
Altar of Hostilius from Skelani 637 1900 III 14219 8 1899 180 32201018
Altar with inscription and symbolic figures from Ptuj 413 1496 III 14354, 27 1899 180 30100719 HD007308
Mithras taurophorus of Ptuj 316 1494 III 14354, 28 30100720 HD068774
Mithras rock-born from Ptuj 186 1492 III 1435429
Altar of Sarmizegetusa by Hermadio 578 2146 287 III 1436 26600873 HD047047
Two-sided relief from Konjic 259 1896 III 14617 53500001
Altar of Hermadio from Tibiscum 579 2153 293 III 1549 1983 799; 2008 1157 26600744
Altar to Sol by brothers of Budaors 558 1793 336 III 3384 2002 1175 17300112 HD031795
Base of Buda 706 1775 323 III 3414 28600305 HD068012
Altar of Libella, Budapest 403 1773 324 III 3415
Altar from Aquincum by Castinus 502 1774 325 III 3480
Mithraeum of Rožanec 37 1481 III 3933
Altar by Aurelius Eutyches from Siscia 783 1476 350 III 3958 26600423
Bronze plaque of Sisak 397 1477 351 III 3959
Cautes of Sisak 708 1473 233 III 3977 26600432 HD071852
Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj 644 1614 354 III 4039 28800781
Tauroctony relief of Fertőrákos 170 1642 361 III 4240
Altar of Carnuntum by the Augusti and Caesares 524 1697 III 4413 1896 22 26600136 HD023078
Altar of Adiectus from Carnuntum 753 1676 370 III 4414 28800178 HD071915
Altar of Flavius Verecundus from Carnuntum 723 1671 371 III 4416 28800180 HD071904
Altar of Carnuntum by Sacidius Barbarus 503 1718 378 III 4418
Altar to Petra Genetrix from Carnuntum 722 1674 369 III 4424 28800186 HD071911
Tauroctony of Stixneusiedl 278 1658 229 III 4539
Inscription of the praeses Aurelius Hermodorus 455 1431 235 III 4796
Slab of S. Urban by Ursinus 532 1443 408 III 4804 HD057661
Tauroctony of Ruše 710 1447 III 5317 14500628 HD066869
Altar of Secundinus from Bad Ischl 749 1407 415 III 5620 14500917 HD067273
Altar of Tettius Plotus from Oescus 634 2252 III 6128; III 7425 27800906 HD028111
Main Tauroctony relief from Dura Europos 298 40 III 7726
Altar of Nummius Amandus from Alba Iulia 643 1951 251 III 7776 15800258 HD038423
Altar of Sextus Syntrophus 787 1939 252 III 7777 HD038414
Tauroctony of Aurelios Stephanos from Sibiu 667 2002 255 III 7782
Cautopates of Sarmizegetusa with scorpion 521 2120 140 III 7922a
Column to Nabarze of Protas 631 2028 III 7938 28400625 HD047216
Inscription of Ision from Guberevac 639 2235 231 III 8163 31100139 HD035550
Mithraic exvoto of Dalmatia 396 1873 310 III 8678
Tauroctony of Aelius Maximus of Turda 668 1920 232 III 899 27200023 HD049039
Tauroctony of Aelius Hylas from Doştat 642 2006 191 III 968; III 7729; III 7730 27200095 HD047215
Cautes with bull head of Sarmizegetusa 522 2122 III S. 7922
Altar by Flavius Lucilianus from Aveia 778 652 154 IX 3608 14804633
Inscription of Apronianus to the res publica of the Aequiculi 590 647 152 IX 4109
Inscription of Apronianus of Nesce 689 648 153 IX 4110 2011 85 14805141
Inscription of Valentinus Secundionis 658 730 186 V 5082 05100234
Altar of Bergamo 676 710 216 V 5116
Inscription of Valerianus Petalus 621 717 188 V 5477 05100630
Stele of Acilius Pisonianus from Milan 650 706 190 V 5795 05100951
Plaque of Milan by Ulbius Gaianus 530 709 217 V 5797 14500101 HD058495
Slab of the astrologer Maximus of Milan 494 708 192 V 5893
Altar of Aquileia to the brave god Mithras 497 741 169 V 805 1978 360 01600083 HD004913
Inscription by Velox of Aquileia 603 747 175 V 810 01600088 116886
Altar by Aelius Secundinus of Novaria 622 704 193 V 8997 05401791 108255
Altar of Vettius Agrorius Praetextatus 273 420 14 VI 1778
Inscription of Septimius Archelaus 453 511 35 VI 2271 18200022
Tauroctony 593 164 593 65 VI 30818
Tauroctony of Albergo Constanzi 606 535 48 VI 31049 18600613
Slab of Sol Invictus 249 373 VI 31181
Inscription of Sabinus from San Clemente 739 347 VI 3725 19800477
Tauroctony relief of the Esquiline 382 350 16 VI 3730
Altar with Minerva and a water god 596 330 293 VI 404
Altar to Arimanius of the Esquilino 481 369 27 VI 47
Altars of two Clarissimi in the Phrygianum of the Vatican 620 513 19 VI 500, VI 504 17300652
Altar of Rufius Caeionius Sabinus 756 522 21 VI 511 17300659
Inscription of two lions from Angera 567 718 187 VI 5465
Altar of Fructus and Myro 463 518 48bis VI 556 17300702
Altar to a Perses of S. Silvestro in Capite 517 402 9 VI 705
Altar of Aemilius Chrysanthus to the Invincible Sol 479 519 47 VI 717
Tauroctony of the Villa Borghese 131 415 6 VI 719
Tauroctonia del Cortile del Belvedere 210 546 29 VI 721 129096
Tauroctony of the Collezione Torlonia 793 408 VI 726; VI 30821 17300868
Altar to Mithras at the Walters Art Museum 542 510 34 VI 727 17300869 129704
Mithras petrogenitus from Villa Giustiniani 124 590 69 VI 731
Inscription of Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano 511 362 66 VI 732
Altar by Septimius Zosimus from Roma 782 360 61 VI 733 1999 24 17300875
Altar of Lucretius Mnester and Aemilius Philetus 785 517 48 VI 734 1994 103 17300876
Tauroctony relief exposed at the Hermitage Museum 308 603 65bis VI 735
Tauroctony of via di Borgo 649 366 45 VI 737 121741
Base with inscription of Priscus Eucheta to Navarze 653 501 55 VI 742
Tauroctony of the Loggia Scoperta 209 556 74 VI 743
Tauroctony of Chrestos 673 554 31 VI 747
Inscription of the Olympius for a Leo 448 400 7 VI 749
Altar dedicated by Pater Patrum Augentius 445 403 10 VI 751b
Inscription of Olympus to his grandfather 447 406 13 VI 754
Relief of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva 597 328 71bis, a VI 81 161219
Fragments of a Mithriac relief with Jupiter and Sol 594 332 71bis, b VI 82 161220 - 164507
Inscription of Flavius Antistianus from Rome 713 336 26 VI 86 17200188
Tabula ansata of Lucius from Bremenium 566 876 486 VII 1039 HD070473 1272
Altar of Castlesteads 720 872 489 VII 831 07900802 HD071140 1993
Inscripton of Justus from Caerleon 741 809 472 VII 99 07800601 HD069617 322
Altar by Florus from El Gahara 780 153 542 VIII 18025 24701248 HD062530
Inscription by Numidius Decens from Lambaesis 777 136 528 VIII 18040 51000101
Altar by Marcus Aurelius Sabinus 616 134 526 VIII 2675 20600125
Altar from Ain-Zana 775 140 529 VIII 4578
Mithraeum of Cirta 615 129 530 VIII 6975
Slab with inscription by Publilius Ceionius of Cirta 772 129 VIII 6975 1912 265 13002004
Inscription of Aphrodisius 536 151 540 VIII 9256 23500012
Tauroctony of Naples 464 174 148 X 1479 2003 329 11500413
Tauroctony of Velletri 307 208 146 X 6559
Inscription by Claudius Thermodon of Bolsena 652 660 161 XI 2684; VI 3723
Altar with inscription of Sentinum 572 689 158 XI 5735
Inscription of two Gessius from Sentinum 571 687 156 XI 5736
Album of Sentinum 570 688 157 XI 5737 2006 243
Cautes and Cautopates of Stockstadt 474 1165 XII 11787
Inscription of Vaison-la-Romaine 516 887 496 XII 1324
Tauroctony of La Bâtie-Montsaléon 500 898 280 XII 1535
Mithréum de Vienne 293 901 XII 1811
Altar of Firmidius Severinus from Geneva 599 916 506 XII 2587
Relief de Bourg-Saint-Andéol 129 896 XII 2706
Dedication inscription from Koenigshoffen Mithraeum 253 1361 XIII 11608
Votive plaque of Stockstadt 399 1206 XIII 11786
Incriptions to the gods of East and West 496 1214 XIII 11791a
Mithraic vase of Lezoux 398 908 493 XIII 1772
Inscription of Secundinus of Lyon 748 906 492 XIII 1772 10500727
Altar of Vieu 456 911 494 XIII 2540
Tauroctony of Sarrebourg 114 966 XIII 4539
Inscriptions of Eauze 750 888 507 XIII 542 10400713
Altar with Inscription to Mithras of Rottenburg 562 1308 429 XIII 6362 HD036785
Tauroctony of Osterburken 176 1292 246 XIII 6576
Altar with inscription of Bingen 519 1243 XIII 7083
Altar with Mithras rock-birth of Nida 388 1127 253j XIII 7369
Altar of Murius Victor from Frankfurt 681 1102 433 XIII 7370 11001466 HD059860
Altar of Gaius Iulius Crescens of Friedberg for Respectus 646 1066 442c XIII 7396 1894 137 HD028921
Tauroctony of Dormagen 264 1012 387 XIII 8523 11100617
Fragmented tauroctony of Dormagen 633 1014 XIII 8524 11100618 HD063838
Inscription of Fructosus in Ostia 450 228 XIV 257
Album of Portus 648 325 142 XIV 286 144064
Inscription of Victorinus from Tibur 569 214 144 XIV 3567 129974
Bronze inscription from Aldobrandini 119 234 XIV 403
Sabazeo 10 300 XIV 4297
Mosaic of Fructus from the Mitreo del Sabazeo 490 301 XIV 4297
Altar at Caseggiato di Diana 582 219 XIV 4310 106224/106174
Fragment with inscription to Arimanius Casa di Diana 482 221 XIV 4311
Inscriptions of Caseggiato di Diana 488 223 XIV 4312
Inscription of Mitreo Aldobrandini by Sextus 568 233 XIV 4314 1924 119 11900035 HD026488 106230
Graffito from the Mitreo del Cassegiato di Diana 612 112 XIV 5293 110025
Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale 97 250 131 XIV 56 05700057
Floor mosaic of Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale 492 251 131 XIV 56
Altar with inscription of Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale 461 259 132 XIV 57
Cautes and Cautópates of Palazzo Imperiale 143 254 XIV 58, 59
Tauroctony of the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 144 245 82 XIV 60 143952
Inscription of Tellius Agatho in Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 487 248 135 XIV 62 143955
Inscription found in the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 462 249 136 XIV 63
Tauroctony marble from Mitreo Fagan 106 310 79 XIV 64
Aion of Mitreo Fagan 116 312 80 XIV 65
Aion relief of Mitreo Fagan 440 314 81 XIV 66 05700066
Inscription of Chyndonax 535 934 ΧΙΙΙ falsae 1947
Mitreo delle terme di Mitra 1 229
Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte 2 264
Mitreo degli Animali 3 278 295
Mitreo delle Sette Porte 4 287
Mitreo del caseggiato di Diana 5 216
Mitreo di Lucrezio Menandro 6 224
Mitreo di Felicissimo 7 299
Mitreo dei Serpenti 8 294
Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 9 239 84
Mithraeum of Sidon 11 74 191
Mitreo di Santa Prisca 12 476
Mitreo di San Clemente 13 338 19
Mitreo Barberini 14 389
Mitreo del Circo Massimo 15 434
Mithraeum of the Baths of Caracalla 16 457
Mitreo di Santo Stefano Rotondo 17
Mithréum de Bordeaux 18
Mitreo di Spoleto 19 673 97
Mitreo di Vulci 20
Mitreo di Sutri 21 653
Mitreo di Marino 22
Mitreo di Santa Maria Capua Vetere 23 180
Mitreo del Campidoglio «lo perso» 24 414 6
London Mithraeum 25 814
Mithraeum of Carrawburgh 26 844
Mitreo de Lugo 27
Mitreo de San Juan de la Isla 28
Casa del Mitreo de Mérida 29 772
Mitreo de Cabrera de Mar 30 10353
Mitreo dels Munts 31
Mithraeum of Ša‘āra 32
Mithraeum of Caesarea Maritima 33
Mithraeum of Dura Europos 34 34
Mithraeum of Fertőrákos 36
Mithräum I von Güglingen 38
La grotta del Mitreo 39
Mitreo di Fructosus 40 226
Mitreo presso Porta Romana 41
Mitreo Aldobrandini 42 232
Mithraeum I of Carnuntum 43 1664 225
Mithraeum of Memphis (Kom Dafbaby) 44 91 285
Mithréum de Sarrebourg 45 965 273ter
Hatra Temple 46
Mithräum von Saarbrücken 47 1001
Mithräum von Neuenheim 48 1282 245
Mithräum von Gimmeldingen 49 1313
Mithräum von Karlsruhe 50
Mithräum von Mundelsheim 51
Mithräum von Königsbrunn 52
Mithräum von Linz 53
Mithräum von Riegel 54
Mithraeum of Prilep 55 2341
Mithraeum of Sofia 56
Mithraeum of Sarmizegetusa 57 2027 138
Mithraeum of Močići 58 1882 234
Mithraeum of Prozor 59
Mithraeum III of Ptuj 60 1578
Mithréum de Aubeterre-sur-Dronne 61
Mithréum de Bourg-Saint-Andéol 62 895 279
Mithraeum of Jajce 63 1901
Mithräum von Moosham 64
Mithraeum de Martigny 65
Mithräum von Wiesloch 66
Mitreo de Hawarti 67
Mithréum de Mackwiller 68
Column of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia 69 2016 1335 72800152
Mithräum von Osterburken 70 1291
Mithräum von Ladenburg 71
Villa romana de Fuente Álamo 72
Mithraeum of Colchester 73 829
Mithraeum of Slăveni 74
Mitreo di Cosa 75
Mitreo de Cabra 76
Mithraeum of Caernarfon 77 2374
Mithraeum of Rudchester 78 838 272
Mount Nemrut Dağı 79 28
Mithraeum of Alexandria 80
Mithréum des Bolards 81 917
Mitreo di Angera 82
Mitreo dell’Esquilino 83 356 15
Mithraeum II of Aquincum in Victorinus’s house 84 1750 213
Mithraeum IV of Aquincum 85 1767
Mithraeum of Stixneusiedl 86
Mithräum von Friedberg 87
Mithräum von Ober-Florstadt 88
Mithräum von Heidenfeld 89
Mithräum von Schwarzerden 90 1280 258
Mithräum von Dormagen 91
Mithraeum of Skikda 92 121
Mithréum de Vieu 93
Mitreo della Planta Pedis 94 272
Mithräum von Saalburg 95
Mitreo di Ponza 96
Mitreo Fagan 98 309
Mitreo d'Orazio Muti 99
Temple of Garni 100
Mithraeum of Lambaesis 101
Mitreo de Tróia 102
Grabado con escenas rituales, entre ellas, una Tauroctonia mitráica 103
Frescoes with standing figures of Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte 104 268
Cautopates with a hooked stick of Nida 105 1110 252d
Detalle en el suelo del mitreo: Luna 107
Tauroctony of the Mitreo delle terme di Mitra 108 230
Busto de Livia 109
Head of Antiochus I of Commagene 110 29 2
Tauroctonia con Mitra en soldado romano 111
Tauroctony of Memphis 112 93 285c
Aion of Orazio Muti 113
Fresco of procession of grades at Santa Prisca 115 480
Head of Mithras of Mackwiller 117 1332
El sueño de Mitra 118
Tauroctonia de Walbrook 120 810 267a 07800228 HD069341 3
Serapis head of Walbrook 121 818
Mithras head of Walbrook 122 815
Aion of Villa Albani 123 545 37
Tauroctony of Ottaviano Zeno 125 335 70
Mitra alado 126
Fragments of a column base from Hamadan 127 7
Tauroctony of Absalmos 128
Cautes Borcovicus 130 854 273c
Torchbearer of Porta Portese 132 506 27
Aion gold figurine from Geneva 133
Antiochus I shakes hands with Mithras 134 30
Tauroctonia de Córdoba 135 10341
Mitra de Cabra 136 771 460
Bronze plaque of Mithras slaying the bull 137
Aion altar of Bordeaux 138
Cautopates de Bordeaux 139
Aion of Bordeaux 140
Tauroctonic medallion from Caesarea Maritima 141
Tauroctony relief of Sidon 142 75
Head of Mithras from the Mitreo degli Animali 145 280
Tauroctony found on the Esquiline 146 368 13
Duperac 147
Aion of Arles 148 879 281
Mithras head of Sindelfingen 149
Tauroctony of Palermo 150 164 119
Two-sided relief of Fiano Romano 151 641
Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo 152
Taurcotonia Dorée 153
Tauroctony of Aquileia 154 736 116
Mithras riding the bull 155 2186 208
Taurcotony sculpture from Sidon 156 76
Lion-headed Aion from Sidon 157 78
Mithras carrying the bull 158 77
Cautes of Sidon 159 80
Cautopates of Sidon 160 81
Cautes with an axe 161 82
Second Cautes of Sidon holding an axe 162 83
Ahriman 163
Head of Mithras from Santo Stefano Rotondo 165
Mosaic of the Mitreo di Felicissimo 166 299
Major fresco of the Mitreo Barberini 167 390
Mosaics from Mitreo degli Animali 168 279
Tauroctony of Santa Maria Capua Vetere 169 181
Mithraeum of Duhok 171
Mithraea of Dülük 172
Relieve de arcilla del Templo de Hathra 173
Eros and Psyche 174 186
Stars of the Mitreo de Santa Maria Capua Vetere 175
Mithras riding a horse from Neuenheim 177 1289 310
Petrogenia of Aquincum 178 1758
First Tauroctony relief of Dura Europos 179 37
Mithras-Sol Altar from the Carrawburgh 180 847
Aion of Mérida 181 777 8274
Mithraeum of Tienen 182
Mitreo della Crypta Balbi 183
Tauroctony of Circo Massimo 184 435
Mithraeum I of Ptuj 185 1487
Mithraeum II of Ptuj 187 1509
Mithréum de Chardonchamp 188
Ara of the Mithraeum of Lugo 189 2006 663; 2007 781; 2011 517 22400392 HD045472 24230 10445
Mithraeum II of Carnuntum 190 1681
Mithraeum III of Carnuntum 191 1682 228bis
Tauroctonia de Carnuntum (III ?) 192 1683
Fresco de Luna en el Mitreo de Santa Maria Capua Vetere 193 184
Tauroctonia del Mitreo de Duino 194
Dionysus group marble of London 195 822 HD018015 1
Mithraea of Heddernheim 197
Tauroctony from the Mithräum von Heddernheim 198 1083
Mithréum d’Angers 199
Mithras rock-born from Housesteads 200 860 273d
Fresco Tauroctony of Mitreo di Marino 201
Mithraeum of Thermes 202
Sol and Mithras fresco of Dura Europos 203 49
Mithras rock-birth of Mithraeum III, Ptuj 204 1593
Tauroctony of Neuenheim 205 1283 245b
Mithraeum of Savaria/Szombathely 206
Head of Mithras from Angers Mithraeum 207
Tauroctony sculpture in the Sala dei Animali 208 548 28
Mithras killing the Bull from L'Origine de tous les cultes 211
Mithréum de Lucciana, Corsica 212
Mithras Petrogenitus of Alba Iulia 213 1991 200
Tauroctony from Domus del Mitreo of Tarquinia 214
Mithraic relief of Baden bei Wien 215
Consecration for Mars Meder 216 11000010
Mithréum of Strasbourg 217 1335
Mithraeum of Zerzevan 218
Mithraeum of Naples 219
Tauroctony of the Mithraeum of Lucciana 220
Mithraeum of Hawarti 221
Mithras triumphant over the Sun 222
Fresco of a knight and a black figure from the Hawarte Mithraeum. 223
Tauroctony of Arshawi-Kibar 224 71
Mithras sacrificing the bull at Santa Barbara Museum of Art 225
Imprint of a gem with Mithras killing the bull 226
Gemme with Mithras killing the bull 227
Tauroctony from Leonardo Agostini book 228
Domus del Mitreo of Tarquinia 229
Rock birth from St Aubin 230 894
Two-sided relief of Dieburg 231 1247 11201903
Mithräum von Dieburg 232 1246
Mithraeum of the Coloured Marble 233
Fresco scene from Mitreo of Santa Maria Capua Vetere 234 188
Mithraic vessel of Mainz 235
Mithraeum of Alba Iulia III (Apulum) 236
Felsgeburt des Mithras 237 1687
Aion of Hedderneheim 238 1138
Tauroctony of Zadar 239 1879 232
Mithras Tauroctonus from private collection 240
Lion-headed figure of Mérida 241 776 8212
Cautopates from Casa del Mitreo of Mérida 242 773 16201625 HD029361 20012 8210
Naked figure from Mérida 243 775 8275
Mitreo de la calle Espronceda 244
Triptic of Tróia 245 798
Tauroctony of York 246 835 270
Mithras Tauroctony and other figures from Palæographia Britannica 247
Roman Marble Relief Panel with Birth of Mithras 248
Aion of York 250 833 271 HD069906 641
Cautes from Newcastle 251 849
Cautes fresco from Mitreo di Santa Maria Capua Vetere 254 182
Flavius Aper altar (CIMRM 1584) 255 1584
Tauroctony found under the Palazzo Montecitorio (CIMRM 430) 256 430 230
Consecration for Jupiter and Hercules 258
Mithréum d’Orbe-Boscéaz 260
Mithräum von Kempraten 261
Mithräum II von Güglingen 262
Tauroctony of Syracuse 263 163 121
Aion of Vienne 265 902 277
Re-used Neolithic axe-head inscribed with a Tauroctony 266
Four mithraic engravings from Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Religionis Historia 267
Tauroctony by Raffaello Sanzio 268
Mithraeum of Tiddis 269 162
Phallus relief from the Mithraeum of Tiddis 270
Aion of Oxyrhynchus 271 103 597
Two Mithras-Attis terracotta from Kerch 272 11 192
Bronze medallion from Gordian III with tauroctony 274 27 3
Head of Mithras at Nemrud Dag 275 29 2
Aion from Villa Barberini 276 326
Aion from Nida 277
Intaglio of chalcedony at the BnF 279
Tauroctony from Cluj 280 2025
Mithras rock-born of Dobrosloveni 281
Tauroctony on display in Princeton 282 605
Submission scene from Barberini 283
Mithraic relief of Baris 284 25
Mithréum de Biesheim-Kunheim 285
Mithras hunting from Dura Europos 286 52
Mithréum de Septeuil 287
Mithras rock-born of Septeuil 288
Mitreo de la Tumba del Elefante 289
Tauroctony relief from Ladenburg 290 1275 244
Feast scene with Mithras and Sol from Ladenburg 291
A man is initiated into the Mysteries of Mithras 292 187
Mithraeum of Scarbantia 294
Mithréum de Valromey 295 909 275
Aion from Muti's gardens 296 551 35
Tauroctony from Albacini 297 557 30
Cautes and Cautopates of Marquise 299 951 274
Mithras's feast from Mérida 300 782
Tauroctony from Hermopolis 301 91 285
Lion relief from Nemrut Dag 302 31 2;29;30
Terra sigillata bowl depicting the Mithraic cult meal from Trier 303
Mithraic meal from Proložac, Croatia 304
Hekataion of Sidon 305 84
Bronze Venus of Sidon 306 86
Mithraeum of Housesteads 309 852 273
Tauroctony of Dragus 310 1919
Mithras with the bow 311 1249
Mithras rock-birth of Trier 312 985
Sol in quadriga of Entrains 313 942
Denarius depicting Mithras rock-birth of St. Albans 314 827
Tauroctony of St. Andrä vor dem Hagenthale 315 1423 238 14500941 HD018581 5775
Aion relief of Palazzo Colonna 317 383 10b
Aion of Skikda 318 125 284b
Tauroctony of Asciano 319 662
Silvanus of Skikda 320 126
Tauroctony of Quirinale 321 385 10bis
Relief of Aion on globe 322 543 39
Aion of Memphis 323 94 285d
Mithraic rock and vase of Rusicade 324 127
Tauroctony of Bologna 325 693 106
Heracles captures the Golden Hind of Artemis 326
Relief of Aion-Phanes 327 695
Tauroctony in the British Museum 328 592 64
Altar of Sol of Via del Mare 329 432
Aion of Florence 330 665 101
Mithraeum of Inveresk 331
Mithraeum of Heviz 332
Kneeling man from Santa Maria Capua Vetere 333 191
Tauroctony bronze of Szőny 334 1727
Zodiac stucco of Ponza 335
Tauroctony exhibited at the Cincinnati Art Museum 336
Castor-vase of St Albans 337 828
Altar of Merida consecrated by Marcus Valerius Secundus 338 793 1905 25 51; 1915 67; 1956 253 16202018 HD030111 19990 8206
Mithraeum of St. Egyden 339
Cult vessel with snake representations of St. Egyden 340 2013 1173
Tauroctony stele of Nicopolis ad Istrum 341 2264 131bis 2006 1241 HD065253
Mithraic arcosolium of Catacombe de Marcellino e Pietro 342
Mithras rock-birth fresco of Hawarte 343
Fresco ‘City of Darkness’ from Hawarte 344
Mithraeum of Dunaújváros (Intercisa) 345
Tauroctony relief of Alba Iulia 346 1938
Mithréum de Dyo 347
Mithraeum of Nush-i Jan 348
Mithraeum of Crimea 349 10
Mithraeum of Qasr Ibn Wardan 350 73
Head of Minerva from London 351
Mithräum I von Köln 352 1018
Mithräum II von Köln 353
Mithräum II von Bingen 354 1245
Mithraeum of Szőny 355 1723
Mithraeum I of Aquincum 356 1742
Mithräum von Künzing 357
Mitreo de Carminiello ai Mannesi 358
Mithräum von Mainz 359
Mithraeum of Aigio 360
Tauroctony of Aigio 361 2351
Persian plaque from the palace of Darius 362 9
Tauroctony of the Cortile del Belvedere 363 321 85
Second Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo 364
Tauroctony of Santo Stefano Rotondo 365
Tauroctony of Sisak 366 1472 220
Round Tauroctony of Split 367 1861
Mithras tauroctonus and taurophorus vessel from Lanuvium 368 207 89
Mithraic brooch of Ostia 369 318
Zeus Brontoon sanctuary near Villa dei Quintili 370 634
Mithra temple of Marāgheh 371
Frescoes of 'Magis' from Dura Europos 372 44
Mithraeum of Eleusis 373
Lion of Les Bolards 374 921
Plaque with the list of worshippers of Virunum 375
Tauroctony from Vermaseren's private collection 376
Iron sword and crown of Güglingen 377
Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße 378 1020
Mitreo della Piazza Dante 379 349
Taurcotony statue of the Esquiline Hill 380 352 17
Mithras petrogenitus of the Esquilino 381 353 18
Tarouctony of the Palazzo San Marco 383 584 56
Mithraic Sol of Piazza Dante 384 354
Head of Sol / Helios intarsio from Sant Prisca 385
Altars of Sol and Luna from Mundelsheim 386
Mithraic Sol altar with backlight of Bingen 387 1241
Tauroctony of Sî` 389 88
Second tautoctony of Sî` 390 89
Relief fragment of Ptuj 391 1579
Tauroctony of Macerata 392 690
Mithraic vase of Mühltal 393
Mercury of Mérida 394 780 1915 68; 1919 86 16202015 HD026829 20018 8209
Ceremonial sword of Riegel 395
Mithraeum I of Stockstadt 400
Mithraeum of Virunum 401
Cantharus to Deo Invicto of Trier 404
Relief of a round platter with food of Ladenburg 405
Key of Mithraeum III at Nida 406 1115 252i
Tauroctony from the Mithraeum III of Nida 407 1118 253b
Cautes and Cautopates from Mithraeum III of Heddernheim 408 1119
Incensiary vessel of Dieburg 409 1269
Raven from Stockstadt 410 1192
Tauroctony of Dunaújváros (Intercisa) 411 1838
Male figure with offerings from Dieburg 412 1255
Altar of Klechovtse 414 2209 1903 287 (B) HD031461
Bust of Aion of unkown origine 415
Candelabrum of Caernarfon 416
Mithraeum of Cyrene 417
Mercury of Stockstadt 418
Krater with weekday gods of Trier 419
Taurcotony of Nesce 420 650
Cautes of Mérida 421
Fresco with tauroctony and seven cypresses 422 45
Venus pudica of Mérida 423 784 8276
Isis de Mérida 424
Aesculapius of Merida 425 786 8304
Altar by Caius Aemilius Superaius of Merida 426 796 42700408 24223 8207
Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida 427 795 24228 457
Oceaunus of Mérida 428 778 1905 26; 1915 67; 1956 253 16202019 HD030114 19991 8211
Venus of Mérida small sculpture 429 785 8277
Tauroctony medallion of Transylvania 430 2187 211
Tauroctony medallion of Egypt 431 105
Tauroctony relief of Sarmizegetusa 432 2063 158
Small Aion from unkown provenence 433
Petrogeny of Sibiu 434 2184 210
Petrogeny of San Clemente 435 344
Petrogeny of Sarmizegetusa 436 2134 177
Inscription by Proficentius, Rome 437 423 1950 199 15000121 HD022042 073778
Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo 438 421
Altar from the Mitreo sotto la Basilica di San Lorenzo 439 422 HD023592 73358
Inscription of Corax Materninius Faustinus of Gimmeldingen 441 1315
Mitreo all'Arco di San Lazzaro 442 472
Stele of the Arch of San Lazzaro 443 473
Altar of Faustinus from Gimmeldingen 444 1319
Mitreo di S. Silvestro in Capite 446 399 9
Inscription of Kastos father and son 449 474
Cautes des Bolards 451 918
Goblet of Angers 452
Inscription on the restoration of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos 454 53
Marble slab with inscription of Aelius Urbanus 457 449
Fragments of plaque from Circo Massimo 458 451
Altar with openwork of Inveresk 459
Altar of Inveresk with a griffin 460
Altar in Mitreo di Marino 465
Marble slab with inscription from Mitreo Barberini 466 391 1948 100 15200179
Graffiti to Kamerios from Dura Europos Mithraeum 467 59
Column with inscription from Dura Europos 468 54
Altar from Mitreo di San Clemente 469 339 1915 98 16202037 72737
Serapis head from Mérida 470 783
Arula by Lucius Petreius of Cabrera de Mar 471 1983 628 10900803 HD000119 6813 10354
Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar 472 04900594 HD053257 17760 10356
Altars to Cautes and Cautopates of Stefano Rotondo 473
Mithras pantocrator of the Villa Altieri 475 334 54
Tauroctony of Mauls 476 1400 239
Second petrogey of Aquincum 478 1756
Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia 480 1958
Inscription on a leonteum of Umbria 483 2013 453 35400001
Inscription on restauration of the Mitreo de Carsulae 484
Mitreo di Carsulae 485
Basin with inscription from Mitreo della Planta Pedis 486 275
Inscription of Lucius Sempronius 489 266
Mosaic of Silvanus from Ostia 491 252
Lion of Carnuntum III 495 1690
Fresco of lions at Santa Prisca 498 481
Mithréum de La Bâtie-Montsaléon 499
Mithraeum V of Aquincum 501
Inscription by Cassianus of Aquilieia 504 745 173
Inscriptions of Valerius Maximianus at Lambaesis 505 137
Altar of Kalkar 507 2001 1444 14800066 HD048472
Mithraeum of Perge 508
Inscripton of Perge 509
Inscription with Cautes and Cautopates of Steklen 510 2268
Heliodromus inscription of Cerveteri 512 2017 450 76000001
Altar to Mithras and Mars of Mainz 513 1979 425
Mithraeum of Kapıkaya 514
Altar of the Mitreo della Planta Pedis 515 273
Coin of Septimius Severus and god on horseback 518
Altar of Mérida from Quintio 520 794
Tauroctony relief of Carnuntum 523
Altar with Phrygian cap from Altbachtal 525 987 11201747 HD023896
Tauroctony of Symphorus and Marcus from Aquincum 526 1768
Altar of Carrawburgh by Antonius Proculus 527 845 1951 125a HD021154 1544
Altar of Benifayó 528 807 09100119 HD024344 13067 10414
Altar of Carrawburgh by Aulus Cluentius 529 846 HD021157 1545
Basin of Mitreo della Planta Pedis 531 275
Mitreo Sacellum delle Tre Navate 533
Altar of the Mitreo Menandro 534 225
Niasar Cave 537
Tauroctony on display at the Getty Museum 538
Tauroctony on display in Boston 539 607 67
Tauroctony on display in Virginia 540
Altar with inscription from Baetulo 541 11901752 HD056736 18050 10408
Intaglio of Mithras Tauroctonus at the Walters Art Museum 543 2367
Intaglio with Mithras and Abraxas at the Walters Art Museum 544 2364
Cautopates in the Walters Art Museum 545
Intaglio with Tauroctony and Lion with bee 546 2354 p. 450 No. 10
Intaglio of Abraxas and Mithras 547
Syncretistic amulet Abraxas-Mithras 548
Gnostic amulet with Mithras monogram 549
Intaglio with Tauroctony from Munich 550
Intaglio with Mithras and Kabiros 551 2366
Two-sided relief from Rückingen 552 1137
Medallions with Mithras from Trapezus 553
Coin of the Kushan Emperor Kanishka I 554 1 1a
Relief of Mithras, Shapur II and Ardashit II 555
Antiochus I shakes hands with naked Apollo-Mithras-Helios 556
Coin of Valerian and Sol 557 277
Inscription to Mithras by Claudius Romanius from Köln 559 1969/70 442
Altar with inscription of Künzing 561
Tauroctony of Fellbach 563
Tauroctony on altar of Ptuj 564 1589 1936 56 11301013 HD024297
Mithraeum V of Ptuj 565
Mithraeum II of Stockstadt 573
Mithras on a horse 574
Frescoes from the tomb of Aelius Magnus and Aelia Arisuth in Oea 575 113 1904
Tauroctony of Strasbourg 576 1359
Grand camée de France 577
Altar 2 of Tibiscum by Hermadio 580 1983 799 26600743 HD000598
Altar by Hermanio of Poetovio 581 10001148 HD074725
Cippus from the Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte 583 269 172950
Tauroctony of the Gran Mitreo de Mérida 584
Gran mitreo de Mérida 585
Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida 586 1962 67 13400021 HD002536 20094
Mithräum von Trier 587
Cautes of Trier 588
Tauroctony relief from Fleischmann Collection 589
Tauroctony relief from Crikvine 591 1871
Mithraeum of Burham 592 808
Cautes and Cautopates of Friedberg 593 1055 248d
Mitreo di Piazza della Navicella 595 327
Mithréum de Mandelieu 598
Inscription on the base of a statue from Stabiae 600 2001 787 23800708
Mithraic slab from the catacombs of Vibia 601 1975 54 09400035 HD006826 75912
The Acosolium of the Mysteries in the Hypogeum of Vibia 602 17200234 161249
Tauroctony of Pisa 604 663 100
Tauroctony of Memphis 605 92 285b
Mosaic of Sette Sfere 607 240
Mosaic of Cautes and Cautopates in the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 608 243
Bench mosaics of the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 609 241
Zodiac signs on the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere 610 242
Mithra’s statue in Boztepe Hill 611 14 55c
Dipinto in red letters from Dura Europos 613 58
Scratched words of Kamerios 614 67
Mithräum von Groß-Gerau 617
Mercury of Groß-Gerau 618 1997 1187 09500097
Colonne with inscription by workers of the pig market 619 19800480
Tauroctony of Mithras and Tellus 623 598 225
Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros 624 2350 229 1911 56 09400671 HD011892
Mithraeum of Andros 625
Inscription of Hermes to Silvanus 626 276 51000112
Relief of Silvanus 627 236
Cippus à Zeus Helios great Serapis 628 463 1913 188
Inscription of Iulius Pyrrus 629
Inscription of Aurelius Mithres 630 1959 39 17300717 135273
Tauroctony of Plovdiv 632 2338
Inscription to Mithras and Silvanus from Ljubljana 635 1463 10000369
Tauroctony of Ulpius Linus from Apulum 636 1955 1934 113; 1944 36
Autel of Straton from Kreta 640 2260
Tauroctony of Târgușor 641 2306
Tauroctony of the Mitreo dell'Esquilino 645 357
Statue of a mother goddess with child 647 1262
Tauroctony/Repast of Castra Pretoria 651 397
Cautes and Cautopates of Palermo 654 165 270
Altar of Meknès 655 160 1920 47 08800326 HD027403
Plaque of Meknès 656 161 08800325 HD027406
Cautes and Cautopates of Ostia found in 1939 657 296
Tauroctony of Santiponce 659 769 462
Altar of Poreč 660 754 178 04400165
Inscription to Tourmasgade of Dura Europos 661 70
Tauroctony of Pleven 662 2257
Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia 663 1975 247 15800150 HD038406
Tauroctony of Alba Iulia with collared dog 664 1972 192bis
Tauroctony of Villa Borghese 669 588 58
Tauroctony sculpture of Villa Borghese 670 587 58bis
Tauroctony relief found between Porta Portese and St Pancrace 671 585 27bis
Tauroctony relief of Villa Borghese 672 586 57
Tauroctony in Copenhagen 674 596
Altar of Pisignano 675 692
Mithras head of Arles 677 881
Weapons from Les Bolards 678 925
Mithraic vignettes of Besigheim 679 1301 242
Mithraic vignettes of Ptuj 680 1510
Candelabrum of Doryphorus 682 508 38 17300975
Hermae of the Mitreo del Caseggiato di Diana 683 217
Graffito of the Mitreo del Caseggiato di Diana 684 218
Inscription of Sahin 685 72 5
Note from Franz Cumont on Sidon discoveries 686 87
Aion of Porsione 687 611 77bis
Aion from Luxor 688 102
Luna in biga of Boulogne 690 952 396
Petrogeny of Bingen 691 1240
Mithras-inscription of Speyer 692 1312 1990 758 11201876
Tauroctony of Gimmeldingen 693 1314
Altar of Faustinus from Gimmeldingen 694 1320 11201883 HD075151
Tauroctony of Ghighen 695 2253
Tauroctony of Jajce 697 1902
Cautopates of Jajce 698 1903
Altars of Jajce 699 1904
Larger altars and small finds from Jajce 700 1905
Tauroctony of Vratnitsa 701 1893 234bis 31900234 HD052643
Tauroctony of Split 702 1859 232ter
Fragmented Mercury of Aquincum 703 1755
Tauroctony of Becker’s collection 704 13 287
Cautes of Transylvania 705 2185 212
Altar with Sol from Ptuj 707 1591 11301014 HD024294
Tauroctony of Donja Plemenšćina, Pregrada 709 1468 10000405 HD071851
Altar to Luna from Gimmeldingen 711 1321 HD075152
Fragments of altars from Gimmeldingen 712 1322 11201884 HD075153
Painted tauroctony of Rome 714 337
Tauroctony of Capri 715 172 95
Oceanus-Saturn of Santa Prisca 716 478
Tauroctony of Santa Prisca 717 479
Torchbearer restored as Paris 718 507
Tauroctony of Toronto 719 606 67bis
Tauroctony of Palazzo Mattei di Giove 721 534 47
Portable tauroctony of Vienna 724 1650
Altar without inscription of Bingem 725 1244
Inscription of Cimber and Exsocho from Cologne 726 1021 HD024424
Head of Mithras of Cologne 727 1022
Petrogeny with a sheaf of wheat of Cologne 728
Altar to Semele from Cologne 729 1027 574 01200082 HD075433
Cautes and Cautopates of Sarrebourg 730 968
Altars of Dura Europos 731 35
Slab of Quintus Claudius from Santiponce 733 768
Plaque of Astorga 734 1968 232 12100680 HD014114 18434 10436
Aion fresco of Caputa Vetere 735 185
Prostrate figure fresco of Capua Vetere 736 193
Fragment of a Tauroctony from Ostia 737 316
Bust of Sol from San Clemente 738 343
Cippus of Antoninus from Ostia 740 270 51000109
Tauroctony of Circo Massimo 742 437
Petrogeny of Florence 744 666 102
Pottery depicting Mithras 745 1002
Head of dadophore from Fürth 746 1000 314
Altar with Sol’s head from Altbachtal 747 986 11201748 HD023899
Altar of Veturius Dubitatus from Dalj 751 1635 1912 129 10102019 HD028182
Altar of Iulius Rasci from Borovo 752
Tauroctony on intaglio 755
Mitreo della domus dei capitelli 757
Cautes of the mitreo di Santa Prisca 758 477
Engraved column by Maximus of Dura Europos 759 62 1940 229 15700153 HD021093
Mithraeum VI of Aquincum 760
Petrogeny with hand on head from Nida 761
Tauroctony of Aula Gotica 762
Tauroctony of Santo Domingo de Silos 763
Tauroctony of Monreale 764
Tauroctony of Dardagan 765
Mithraeum of Sárkeszi 766
Tauroctony of Sárkeszi 767
Altar to Transitus from Sárkeszi 768 1811 17800006 HD032080 8110
Intaglio with Tauroctony from The Met 769 2361 p. 449 No. 6
Votive plaque from Ballıhisar 770
Saul depicted as Mithras Tauroctonos 771
Randazzo Vecchio 773
Tauroctony slab privately owned 774
Inscription by Decimus from Lambaesis 776 1922 22; 1973 633 24800694 HD011798
Altar by Florus from Lambaesis 779 1955 81 13700335 HD019236
Altar by Celsianus from Lambaesis 781 1955 80 13700334 HD019233
Tauroctony from Sisak 784 1475 325
Inscription of Dioscorus 786 84000041
Altar of Ceanu Mic 788 2377 51000089
Altar of Valerianus from Ceanu Mic 789 2376 1960 227 13302484
Altar of Aelius Valerianus from Illmitz 790 2375 32300673 HD073441 5790
Mitreo d’Aosta 791
Dedication to Zeus-Helios, Mithras, and Phanes 792 475
Tauroctony gemstone from Ploiești 794
Tauroctony of Gérman 795
Tauroctony relief from Apulum 797 1973 193 19256
Slab from the Palace of Darius at Persepolis 798 9 3
Second phallus relief from the Mithraeum of Tiddis 799
Mithraic inscription from Anazarba 800 27
Tablet of Antiochus I from Samsat 801 33
Sabazios with Mithras from Bolsena 802 659 104
Mitreo di Capodimonte 803
Petrogeny from Aquileia 804 13964
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