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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 133 results.

  • Monumentum

    Incensiary vessel of Dieburg

    The vessel to burn incense from the Mithraeum of Dieburg is similar to those found in other Roman cities of Germany.

    TNMM409 – CIMRM 1269

  • Monumentum

    Male figure with offerings from Dieburg

    A standing half naked man makes offerings to an altar while holding a cornucopia in his other hand.

    TNMM412 – CIMRM 1255, 1256

    D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) // Priscinius Sedulius / Primulus fratres / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) l(aeti) m(erito).
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum I von Köln

    The Mithraeum I of Cologne is situated amid a block of buildings. It was impossible to narrowly determine its construction and lay-out.

    TNMM352 – CIMRM 1018

  • Monumentum

    Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße

    The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.

    TNMM378 – CIMRM 1020

  • Monumentum

    Fragments of altars from Gimmeldingen

    These fragmentary monuments, one with an inscription, were found in the Gimmeldingen mithraeum.

    TNMM712 – CIMRM 1322

    V(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Faustinus from Gimmeldingen

    This sandstone altar was dedicated to the god Invictus by a certain Faustinus from Gimmeldingen.

    TNMM694 – CIMRM 1320

    [De]o / [i]nviht(o) / [Fa]ustinus / [c]orax / [v]o(tum) s(olvit) /l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Gimmeldingen

    This relief of Mithras killing the bull found in Gimmeldingen, Germany, lacks the usual raven.

    TNMM693 – CIMRM 1314

  • Monumentum

    Altar to Luna from Gimmeldingen

    This sandstone altar was dedicated to Luna, who is mentioned as a male deity.

    TNMM711 – CIMRM 1321

  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Gimmeldingen

    The few remains of the Mithraeum of Gimmeldingen are preserved at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate, in Speyer, Germany.

    TNMM49 – CIMRM 1313

  • Monumentum

    Mithras-inscription of Speyer

    This monument with an inscription to the god Sol Mithras was found in front of the cathedral of Speyer during some sewer works.

    TNMM692 – CIMRM 1312

    [In] ho(norem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / [deo] Soli / [Mi]trh/[ae].
  • Monumentum

    Petrogeny of Bingen

    This sculpture of Mithras born from a rock was found in 1922 together with two altars in what was probably a mithraeum.

    TNMM691 – CIMRM 1240

  • Syndexios

    Murius Victor

    Murius Victor was an aedile of Civitas Taunensium who, in fulfilment of a vow, built an altar to Mithras.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Pleven

    This relief of Mithras killing the bull in a vaulted grotto lacks the usual scorpion pinching the bull's testicles.

    TNMM662 – CIMRM 2257

  • Monumentum

    Triptic of Tróia

    The remains of the mithraic triptic of Tróia, Lusitania, were part of a bigger composition.

    TNMM245 – CIMRM 798

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Gaius Iulius Crescens of Friedberg for Respectus

    This fragmented altar of a certain Caius Iulius Crescens, found in the Mithraeum of Friedberg, bears an inscription to the Mother Goddesses.

    TNMM646 – CIMRM 1066

    Matron/is / C(aius) Iul(ius) Cresce/nis (sic) pro / Respecto / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
  • Syndexios

    Gaius Iulius Crescens

    He devoted an altar to the Mother Goddesses for Respectus, found at the Mithraeum of Friedberg.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Friedberg

    There have probably been three mithraea discovered at Friedberg.


  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj

    This inscription belongs to the 4th mithraeum found in the modern town of Ptuj.

    TNMM644 – CIMRM 1614

    Templum / dei{i} Sol(is) Inv(icti) Mit(hrae) / Aure[l(ius)] Iusti/nianus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) / dux labefa/ctatum re/stituit.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony medallion of Transylvania

    This medallion belongs to a specific category of rounded pieces found in other provinces of the Roman world.

    TNMM430 – CIMRM 2187

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Inveresk with a griffin

    This second altar discovered to date near Inveresk includes several elements unusual in Mithraic worship.


    Daeo (sic) / invic(to) My(thrae) / C. Cas(sius ?) / Fla(vianus ?).