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Monuments to Mithras tagged with ‘sol’

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult tagged with ‘sol’.

Your selection sol in monuments gave 107 results.

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  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Ottaviano Zeno

    In this relief of Mithras as bull slayer, recorded in 1562 in the collection of A. Magarozzi, Cautes and Cautopates have been replaced by trees still bearing the torches.

    TNMM125 – CIMRM 335

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Osterburken

    Franz Cumont considers the bas relief of Osterburken ’the most remarkable of all the monuments of the cult of Mithras found up to now’.

    TNMM176 – CIMRM 1292, 1293

    D[eo] S[oli] I[nvicto] M[ithrae] M[er?]catorius Castrensis in suo cons[ituit].
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Naples

    The marble relief of Mithras killing the bull in Naples bears an inscription that calls the solar god omnipotentis.

    TNMM464 – CIMRM 174, 175

    Omnipotenti Deo Mithrae Appius / Claudius Tarronius Dexter v(ir) c(larissimus) dicat.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Chrestion from Alba Iulia

    In 1852, Károly Pap, a naval captain, unearthed several Mithraic monuments in his garden at Marospartos, including this altar.

    TNMM666 – CIMRM 1945

    Invicto / Mythir/ae Chr/estion / v(otum) s(olvit).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony from Sisak

    This marble relief, found in Sisak, Croatia, shows Mithras killing the bull in a circle of corn ears, gods and some scenes from the Mithras myth.

    TNMM784 – CIMRM 1475

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of St. Andrä vor dem Hagenthale

    The votive image was donated by a certain Verus for a mithraeum which was probably located in the hinterland of the Limes.

    TNMM315 – CIMRM 1423, 1424

    D(eus) I(nvictus) M(ithras) verus pro salute / Comacia(e) et com(magenorum) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Intaglio with Tauroctony from Munich

    This heliotrope gem, depicting Mithras slaying the bull, dates from the 2nd-3rd century, but was reused as an amulet in the 13th century.


  • Monumentum

    Intaglio with Tauroctony from The Met

    This small magical jasper gem shows Sol in a quadrigra on the recto and Mithras as a bull slayer on the verso.

    TNMM769 – CIMRM 2361

  • Monumentum

    Altars of Sol and Luna from Mundelsheim

    The altars of the gods of the Sun and Moon found in the Mithraeum of Mundelsheim wear openwork segments that could be lighten from behind.


  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief of Dieburg

    The relief of Dieburg shows Mithras riding a horse as main figure, surrounded by several scenes of the myth.

    TNMM231 – CIMRM 1247

    [Side A:] D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Silves/trius / Silvi/nius et Silvestrius Pe[rpetus et A]urelius nepos / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) l(aeti) m(erito). / Perpetus fra/te[r] artis sutor(iae). …
  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief from Konjic

    The mithraic relief of Konjic shows a Tauroctony in one side and a ritual meal in the other.

    TNMM259 – CIMRM 1896

    Deo Soli inv[ict]o Meter[ae].
  • Monumentum

    Taurcotony of Nesce

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Nersae includes several episodes from the exploits of the solar god.

    TNMM420 – CIMRM 650, 651

    Apronianus rei p(ublicae) ark(arius) sua pecunia fecit.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony on intaglio

    Large intaglio engraved with Mithras as bull slayer surrounded by a peculiar version of Cautes and Cautopates and other celestial deities.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonic medallion from Caesarea Maritima

    The small medallion depicts three scenes from the life of Mithras, including the Tauroctony. It may come from the Danube area.


  • Monumentum

    Altar with Sol’s head from Altbachtal

    This stone altar fround in Altbachtal bears an inscription by a certain Martius Martialis.

    TNMM747 – CIMRM 986

    D(eo) i(nvicto) S(oli) / Martius Martialis / pater / in suo posuit.
  • Monumentum

    Bust of Sol from San Clemente

    This marble bust of Sol, found in the Mitreo di San Clemente, had five holes in the head where rays had been fixed.

    TNMM738 – CIMRM 343

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Arshawi-Kibar

    This relief of Mithras as bull slayer is surrounded by Cautes and Cautopates with their usual torch plus an oval object.

    TNMM224 – CIMRM 71

  • Monumentum

    Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße

    The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.

    TNMM378 – CIMRM 1020

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Capri

    It is not certain that the marble relief of Mithras killing the bull was found on Capri, in the cave of Matromania, where a Mithraeum could have been established.

    TNMM715 – CIMRM 172

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Gimmeldingen

    This relief of Mithras killing the bull found in Gimmeldingen, Germany, lacks the usual raven.

    TNMM693 – CIMRM 1314