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The New Mithraeum

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.
Joined December 2020
Feb 2024

Dans les coulisses de l’exposition « Le mystère Mithra. Plongée au cœur d’un culte romain »

Découvrez les coulisses de la réalisation et du montage de l’exposition « Le mystère Mithra. Plongée au cœur d’un culte romain ».

Feb 2024

Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain : rencontre avec Philippe Roy

Philippe Roy, docteur en Sciences de l’Antiquité, présente dans cette vidéo la réception du culte de Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain.

Feb 2024

آیین مهر – فراتر از ایران : مستندی ویژه یلدا

شب چله یا شب یلدا طولانی شب سال رازی را در خود پنهان داشته . در فرهنگ و تاریخ ایران باستان ، این شب تولد ایزد مهر و خورشید است چرا که از صبح روز اول دی روزها طولانی تر شده و روشنایی بر تاریکی پیروز میشود.

Feb 2024

The Game of Saturn. Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi

Peter Mark Adams’ The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi is the first full length, scholarly study of the enigmatic Renaissance masterwork known as the Sola-Busca tarot.

Feb 2024

The 24th annual MithraCon has been announced! It will be held in New Haven Connecticut from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th April 2024.

MithraCon, or the New England Convention of Mithraic Studies, is a small informal conference focused on the study and exchange of information about the ancient mysteries of Mithras (and some other classical world topics), held each year on the campus of Yale University.

More information coming soon.

Find out more at their official website:

Jan 2024


Roman emperor at the age of 14, from 218 to his death in 222, Elagabalus was a main priest of the sun god Elagabal in Emesa.

Jan 2024

British doc on Mithras cult

Extract from a documentary about the cult of Mithras.

Jan 2024

Septimius Valentinus

Optio who erected several altars to Mithras in the Mithraeum of Sárkeszi.

Jan 2024

Altar to Transitus from Sárkeszi

This is one of the altars erected by Septimius Valentinus, in this case, to the transitus of Mithras.

Jan 2024

Tauroctony of Sárkeszi

In this relief found in the Sárkeszi Mithraeum, Cautes and Cautopates hold an Amazon shield.

Jan 2024

Mithraeum of Sárkeszi

The Sárkeszi mithraeum is unusual for its large dimensions and its semicircular eastern wall.

Jan 2024

Flavius Antistianus

Pater patrorum of equestrian rank, he was a prominent figure in the Mithraic sphere in Rome.

Jan 2024

Aurelius Sabinus

Equites and Pater at Mithraeum Santo Stefano Rotondo.

Jan 2024

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.

Jan 2024

Lucius Petreius Victor

Garlic merchant, probably from Lusitania, who dedicated an altar to Cautes in Tarraconensis.

Jan 2024

Tauroctony of Dardagan

The relief of Mithras killing the bull, found near Zvornik in Bosnia and Herzegovina, features some variations on the usual scene.

Jan 2024


Administrator, probably a slave of Alfius Severus.

Jan 2024

Religions solaires et culte initiatique de Mithra

L'école mithriaque représente, à nos yeux, une source riche et féconde d'enseignements relatifs à la conduite de la vie. Il nous a semblé aussi que la psychothérapie actuelle se trouverait enrichie par l'étude des données des "psychodrames" antiq…

Dec 2023

آیین مهر – فراتر از ایران : مستندی ویژه یلدا

شب چله یا شب یلدا طولانی شب سال رازی را در خود پنهان داشته . در فرهنگ و تاریخ ایران باستان ، این شب تولد ایزد مهر و خورشید است چرا که از صبح روز اول دی روزها طولانی تر شده و روشنایی بر تاریکی پیروز میشود.

Dec 2023

Tauroctony of Monreale

On one of the capitals of the cathedral of Santa Maria Nuova in Monreale, Sicily, an unusual turbaned bull-slaying Mithras has been recorded.