Aurelius Sabinus
Equites and Pater at Mithraeum Santo Stefano Rotondo.
of Aurelius Sabinus
- Aurelius Sabinus was a Pater of the Mitreo di Santo Stefano Rotondo.
- Active c. 180 – 190 in Roma, Latium (Italia).
- He was an Equites.
Pater Aurelius Sabinus, together with leo Bebius Quintianus, dedicated two altars to Cautes and Cautopates found in the Mithraeum S. Stefano Rotondo. Aurelius Sabinius is also mentioned on a dedication to Hercules (CIL VI 273) as eq(ues) R(omanus), son of M. Aurelius Bassinus, centurion exercitator:
Bassinus is known to have served in the frumentarii in the early 180s before being promoted to the horse guard. He was therefore not a centurion commissioned exequite Romano, but a man who had worked his way up from the ranks. His son, Sabinus, probably acquired equestrian status late in the reign of Commodus.
—M.P. Speidel, Die Denkmäler der Kaiserreiter: Equites Singulares Augusti (Bonn, 1994)
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Elissa Lissi-Carrona (1986) Il Mitreo dei 'Castra Peregrinorum' (S. Stephano Rotondo)
- Roger Pearse (2014) CIMRM Supplement - Mithraeum. S.Stephano Rotondo / Castra Peregrinorum, Rome
Altars to Cautes and Cautopates of Stefano Rotondo
TNMM 473
These two parallel altars to the diophores were dedicated by the Pater and a Leo from the Mithraeum of S. Stefano Rotondo.
Leo vivas / cum Caedicio / patre.
Deo Cautae/opathi / Aur(elius) Sabinus, / pater huius loci, / et Bebius Quintianus / leo, / ex voto posuerunt.
Leo vivas cum / Caedicio / patre.
Que vive le Lion, avec Caedicius, Père.
Au dieu Cautopates, Aurelius Sabinius, Père de ce lieu, et Bebius Quintianus, Lion, à la suite d'un voeu, ont déposé.
Que vive le Lion, avec Caedicius, Père.
Mitreo di Santo Stefano Rotondo
The Mitreo dei Castra Peregrinorum was discovered under the church of Santo Stefano Rotondo in Rome.
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