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The New Mithraeum

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.
Joined December 2020
Jun 2024

Randazzo Vecchio

This 12th century sculpture, known as the Randazzo Vecchio, contains some elementary elements of the Mithraic Aion, the lion-headed god.

A beautiful piece of art, which indeed seems to be quite inspired by the mithraic Aion. Thank you for sharing this
Thank you Gabriel. Nice to read you
Same here!
Jun 2024

Publilius Ceionius Caecina Albinus

Dedicated a temple to Mithras with his symbols and ornaments in Cirta, capital of Numidia.

Jun 2024

Inscription by Publilius Ceionius of Cirta

This inscription shows that Publilius Ceionius, ’a man of eminent standing’, dedicated a temple to Mithras at Mila, in the modern city of Constantina in Algeria.

Jun 2024

The Mithraic Mysteries Restored and Modernized. A Drama of Interior Initiation

Employing all the available data & survivals of the historic Persio-Roman Mithraics. Embodying versions of Zoroastrian Scriptures; Combining the religions of all races & times, with the best of modern spiritual thou.

Jun 2024


Maximus engraved his name in one of the columns of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos.

Jun 2024

New tag to find all the post-classical monuments on a single page:

Jun 2024

A few ‘workarounds’ for saying ‘yes’ in Latin by Legonium.

Jun 2024

Saul depicted as Mithras Tauroctonos

Saul cutting the oxen to pieces poses as Mithras Tauroctonos in this painting, which adorns the mantelpiece of Henry II’s bedroom at the Château d’Écouen near Paris.

Jun 2024


Slave who dedicated an altar to Nabarze in the Mithraeum of Sarmizegetusa.

thank You!
May 2024

Mi spiegate perché mettete dei volti attuali in un sito di archeologia mitra ?
Grazie. Francesca.

Apr 2024

Intaglio with Tauroctony from Munich

This heliotrope gem, depicting Mithras slaying the bull, dates from the 2nd-3rd century, but was reused as an amulet in the 13th century.

beautiful engaving and gemstone
May 2024

Votive plaque from Ballıhisar

This votive silver plaque depicting Mithras was found at the site of Pessinus, Ballıhisar, in Turkey.

Apr 2024

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.

Apr 2024

Disce latinum cotidie.

Apr 2024

Mithras és misztériumai I-II

Born in the mists of history, Mithras, the deity of light, known for at least 3,500 years and still revered today, has appeared in different ages, religions and forms. This volume explores the sources of the god's history, with a focus on the Roman myths …

Mar 2024

Habesne paululum temporis?

Mar 2024

Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano

Este es un libro que pretende esbozar un panorama general de los documentos mitraicos repartidos a lo largo del Imperio romano.

Mar 2024

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.

Mar 2024

Lucius Sextius Karus

His name was added to the main tauroctony sculpture of the Mitreo Fagan.

Mar 2024

Intaglio with Tauroctony from The Met

This small magical jasper gem shows Sol in a quadrigra on the recto and Mithras as a bull slayer on the verso.

Such a beautiful stone! Curios about how it was set, in gold, silver or bronze?