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Carnuntum was a Roman legionary fortress and headquarters of the Pannonian fleet from 50 AD. After the 1st century, it was capital of the Pannonia Superior province. It also became a large city of 50,000 inhabitants.

Mithraic monuments of Carnuntum


Mithraeum I of Carnuntum

According to the scarcely detailed design of von Sacken, the lay-out of the temple must have been nearly semi-circular.

CIMRM 1664


Mithraeum II of Carnuntum

The second temple devoted to Mithras in Carnuntum is situated besides a Jupiter's temple.

CIMRM 1681


Mithraeum III of Carnuntum

Mithraeum III found in the west part of Petronell near Hintausried in August 1894 by J. Dell and C. Tragau.

CIMRM 1682


Tauroctonia de Carnuntum (III ?)

Of this great relief of Mithras slaying the bull only a few segments remain.

CIMRM 1683


Felsgeburt des Mithras

Mithras Petrogenitus, born from the rock, from the Mithraeum of Carnuntum III.

CIMRM 1687


Inscription by Propinquos of Carnuntum

On this slab, Gaius Iulius Propinquos indicates that he made a wall of the Mithraeum at his own expense.

CIMRM 1693


Lion of Carnuntum III

Exceptional sculpture of a lion devouring a bull's head founded in 1894 in Carnuntum, Pannonia.

CIMRM 1690


Tauroctony relief of Carnuntum

This relief found at Carnuntum represents Mithras slaughtering the bull, without the scorpion, in the sacred cave.


Altar of Carnuntum by the Augusti and Caesares

Altar with Cautes and Cautopates dedicated to Sol Invictus Mithras as protector of the Tetrarchy in 3rd-century Carnuntum.

CIMRM 1697


Altar to Petra Genetrix from Carnuntum

Aelius Nigrinus dedicated this small altar in Carnuntum to the rock from which Mithras was born.

CIMRM 1674


Altar of Flavius Verecundus from Carnuntum

This monument to Mithras and Cautes (or Cautopates) was erected in Carnuntum by the centurion Flavius Verecundus of Savaria.

CIMRM 1671


Altar of Adiectus from Carnuntum

There is no consensus as to whether the altar of the slave Adiectus from Carnuntum is dedicated to a Mithras genitor of light.

CIMRM 1676


Mithras birth from Petronell

Only parts of the knees of Mithras, emerging from the rock, have been preserved from this monument of Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria.

CIMRM 1716


Tauroctony from Carnuntum

Relief of Mithras killing the bull with an inscription from a certain Aurelius Macer who dedicates it to Sol Invictus Mithras.

Inscriptions of Carnuntum

T(itus) Fl(avius) Viato[r] condi fe(cit)

Tauroctonia de Carnuntum (III ?)

C(aius) Iul(ius) Propin/quos (sic) pariete(m) / ex voto / impensa sua.
Caius Iulius Propinquos, following a vow, made the wall at his own expense.

Inscription by Propinquos of Carnuntum

D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / fautori imperii sui / Iovii et Herculii / religiosissimi / Augusti et Caesares / sacrarium / restituerunt.
To the god Sol Invictus Mithras, the protector of their empire, the most devout followers of Jupiter and Hercules, the Augusti and Caesares, restored this shrine.

Altar of Carnuntum by the Augusti and Caesares

Petrae / Genetrici / P(ublius) Ael(ius) Nigri/nus sacerd(os) / v(otum) s(olvit).
To the Petra Genetrix, Publius Aelius Nigrinus, priest, has fulfilled his vow.

Altar to Petra Genetrix from Carnuntum

D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) C(aute ?) / T(itus) Flavius / Verecundus / Cl(audia) Savaria / (centurio) leg(ionis) XIIII / g(eminae) M(artiae) v(ictricis) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the Invincible God Mithras, [and to] Cautes, Titus Flavius Verecundus of the Claudia tribe from Savaria, centurion of the Legio XIV Gemina of Mars the Conqueror, willingly, gladly, and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Altar of Flavius Verecundus from Carnuntum

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Adiec(tus) / ser(vus) T(iberii) C(laudii?) v ... / gen(itori) lum(inis) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the invincible god Mithras, Adiectus, slave of Tiberius C[---] V[---], progenitor of light (?), fulfilled his vow willingly, joyfully and justly.

Altar of Adiectus from Carnuntum

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Vindilius?) Cupitus / sig(nifer) leg(ionis) XIIII g(eminae) A(ntoninianae) et / Vind(ilius?) Iulianus / voto) p(osuerunt) patre Paterno.
To the Unconquered God Mithras, Vindilius (?) Cupitus, standard-bearer of the Fourteenth Twin Legion of Antoninus, and Vindilius (?) Julianus, placed (this) in fulfillment of a vow, with Paternus as father (of the ceremony).

Mithras birth from Petronell

D(eo) S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Aur(elius) Mac[er(?)] / v(otum) s(olvit) / [l(ibens) m(erito)].
To the god Sol Invictus Mithras, Aurelius Macer(?) gladly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Tauroctony from Carnuntum


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