Lucius Agrius Fructosus
Patron of the Ostian college of stuppatores
of Lucius Agrius Fructosus
- Lucius Agrius Fructosus was a syndexios of the Mitreo di Fructosus.
- Active c. 3rd – 4th century in Ostia, Latium (Italia).
- He was a Patron of the Ostian college of stuppatores.
Lucius Agrius Fructosus was one of the patrons of a college of stuppatores who, in the 3rd century, laid out the area where the Mitreo that bears his name stands. The temple is located at the western end of the Ostian forum, on the site of a thermal building from the Antonine period.
- Ostia-Antica.org (2020) Regio I - Insula X - Tempio Collegiale and Mitreo di Fructosus (I,X,4)
Inscription of Fructosus in Ostia
TNMM 450
The inscription is carved into two pieces of marble cornice.
[L. Ag]rius Fructosus patron(us) corp(orationis) s[tupp(atorum), te]mpl(um) et spel(aeum) Mit(hrae) a solo sua pec(unia) feci(t).
Lucius Agrius Frutosus, patron of the guild of stuppatores, had the temple and spelaeum of Mithras built at his own expense.
Mitreo di Fructosus
The Mithraeum of Frutosus was in a temple assigned to the guild of the stuppatores.
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