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Marcus Limbricius Polides

Decurion and member of the same college as Aemilius Chrysanthus.

  • Altar of Aemilius Chrysanthus to the Invincible Sol

    Altar of Aemilius Chrysanthus to the Invincible Sol

of Marcus Limbricius Polides

  • Marcus Limbricius Polides was a syndexios.
  • Active c. 2nd – 3rd century in Roma, Latium (Italia).


To Sol invincible, Marcus Aemilius Chrysanthus, freedman of the two Marcus, master of the first year and Marcus Limbricius Polides, decurion and member of his college, at their own expense, offered a gift.


Altar of Aemilius Chrysanthus to the Invincible Sol

TNMM 479

Aemilius Chrysanthus shares the expenses of this monument with a decurio named Limbricius Polides.

Soli / invicto / M. Aemilius / M(arcorum duorum) l(ibertus) Chrysanthus / mag(ister) anni primi et / M. Limbricius Polides / dec(urio) et sodalicio eius / d(e) (suo) d(onum) d(ederunt).
To Sol invincible, Marcus Aemilius Chrysanthus, freedman of the two Marcus, master of the first year and Marcus Limbricius Polides, decurion and member of his college, at their own expense, offered a gift.



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