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Tamesius Augentius Olympius

  • Inscription de Olympius to his grandfather

    Inscription de Olympius to his grandfather
    Les Cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain 

of Tamesius Augentius Olympius


Son of Aurelius Victor Augentius, grandson of Nonius Victor Olympius, and elder brother of Emlianus.

He built temples for worship around 382-383.



Inscription of Olympus to his grandfather

TNMM 447

This monument is the only one still available from the disappeared Mithraeum in Piazza S. Silvestro in Capite.

Olim Victor avus, caelo devotus et astris
Regali sumptu Phoebeia templa locavit.
Hunc superat pietate nepos, cui nomen avitum est:
Antra facit, sumptusque tuos nec Roma requirit
Damna piis meliora lucro: quis ditior illo est
Qui cum caelicolis parcus bona dividit heres?
To Tamesius Augentius Olympius. In the past, Victor, the grandfather, a devotee of heaven and the stars, with the generosity of a king, erected temples to Phebus. The grandson, who bears his grandfather's name (Olympius), surpassed him in piety. He built antes without asking your contribution, Rome. Pious men prefer loss to gain. Who is richer than this heir who, with temperance, shares his goods with the inhabitants of heaven?

Mitreo di S. Silvestro in Capite

TNMM 446

This Mithraic temple, aka Mithraeum of the Olympii, was discovered in the 15th century in Rome, although traces have been lost except for a few monuments with remarkable inscriptions.



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