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Emilianus Corfo Olympius

of Emilianus Corfo Olympius


His father Aurelius Victor Augentius, Pater Patrum of the Mitreo di Piazza S. Silvestro in Capite, dedicated an altar to the initiation of Emilianus as a sacred raven in 376, when he was still a child.

'These men held the rank of vir clarissimi, except for Aemilianus who is listed as a clarissimus puero, indicating he was only a child when he was initiated. Aemilianos also holds the unusual title of hierocoracica, which appears to be an alternative form of corax.'

—David Walsh (2018) The Cult of Mithras in Late Antiquity
Development, Decline and Demise Ca. A.D. 270-430



Altar dedicated by Pater Patrum Augentius

TNMM 445

This altar, now lost, mentions that the Pater Patrum passed on the attributes of the sacred Corax to his son.

Dd(ominis) nn(ostris) Valente V et Valentiniano / iuniore primum Augg(ustis) VI idus april(es) / tradidit hierocoracica Aur(elius) Victor / Augentius v(ir) c(larissimus) p(ater) p(atrum) filio suo Emiliano / Corfoni Olympio c(larissimo) p(uero) anno tricensimo / acceptionis suae felic(iter).
Under (the Consulate) of our lords the Augustinians Valens, for the fifth time, and Valentinian the Younger, for the first time, on the sixth day before the ides of April, Aurelius Victor Augentius, clarissimo, Father of the Fathers, passed to his son Emilianus Corfo Olympius, clarissimo child, the attributes of the Sacred Raven, in the thirtieth year of his own admission, with happiness.

Mitreo di S. Silvestro in Capite

TNMM 446

This Mithraic temple, also known as the Mithraeum of the Olympii, dates to the 3rd century and was rediscovered in 15th-century Rome, but it has not been preserved.

Mitreo di S. Silvestro in Capite

TNMM 446

This Mithraic temple, also known as the Mithraeum of the Olympii, dates to the 3rd century and was rediscovered in 15th-century Rome, but it has not been preserved.



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