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Aurelius Bassinus

Guardian of the headquarters (principia) of the Peregrine camp.

  • General view of the mithraeum

    General view of the mithraeum 

  • Mithras rock-birth of S. Stefano Rotondo

    Mithras rock-birth of S. Stefano Rotondo

of Aurelius Bassinus


Mitreo di Santo Stefano Rotondo


The Mitreo dei Castra Peregrinorum was discovered under the church of Santo Stefano Rotondo in Rome.

Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo

TNMM 152

The sculpture of Mithras rock-birth from Santo Stefano Rotondo bears an inscription of Aurelius Bassinus, curator of the cult.

Petram genetricem / Aur(elius) Bassinus aedituus / principiorum cast(rorum) pereg(rinorum) / dedicavit hoc in loco et d(ono) d(edit) / antistante A(ulo) Caedicio / Prisciano eq(uite) R(omano) patre
The Birth stone, Aurelius Bassinus, guardian of the headquarters (principia) of the Peregrine camp, dedicated in this place and donated it, with Aulus Caecidius Priscianus, Roman knight, Father (pater), as witness



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