Gaius Aufidius Ianuarius
Donor of the monumental Borghese relief.
of Gaius Aufidius Ianuarius
- Gaius Aufidius Ianuarius was a syndexios of the Mitreo del Campidoglio «lo perso».
- Active c. 2nd century in Roma, Latium (Italia).
According to the inscription on the relief of Mithras slaying the bull found in the Campidoglio in the 15th century, Gaius Aufidius Ianuarius was the donor of the monument that was to be the main image of the mithraeum called 'lo perso' in the centre of Rome.
Mitreo del Campidoglio «lo perso»
This temple of Mithras on the north side of the Capitoline Hill in Rome no longer exists.
Tauroctony of the Villa Borghese
TNMM 131
This relief of Mithras slaying the bull was erected in Piazza del Campidoglio, moved to Villa Borghese and is now in the Louvre Museum.
Nama Sebesio. / Deo Soli invict[o] Mitrhe (sic!) / C(aii) Aufidii Ianuarius [et…] Nam/a/ ne CS
Tribute to Sebesius.
To the invincible Sol god Mithras. Caius Aufidius Ianuarius [and Caius Aufidius ---].
To the invincible Sol god Mithras. Caius Aufidius Ianuarius [and Caius Aufidius ---].