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One of the lions mentioned on the Santa Prisca procession fresco.

  • Procession of lions, Santa Prisca

    Procession of lions, Santa Prisca 

  • General view of the Mithraeum of Sant Prisca

    General view of the Mithraeum of Sant Prisca 

of Theodoros


Fresco of lions at Santa Prisca

TNMM 498

The inscription is above a procession of men carrying animals, bread, a crater and other objects that appear to be in preparation for a feast.

Nama Nicephoro leoni; nama Theodoro leoni.
Nama Hel[io]doro leoni; Nama Gelasio leoni; Nama Phoebo leoni.
Tribute to Nicephoros, Lion; Tribute to Theodoros, Lion.
Tribute to Heliodoros, Lion; Tribute to Gelasios, Lion; Tribute to Poebus, Lion.

Mitreo di Santa Prisca


The Mithraeum of Santa Prisca houses remarkable frescoes showing the initiates in procession.



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